
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6433

Received: 08/01/2017

Respondent: Ms Susan Agnama

Representation Summary:

Developers should be expected to provide solutions, not create more problems.
Need for appropriate infrastructure.
Need to provide sufficient school places.
Need to consider impact of traffic increases.
Need to increase and improve sustainable transport options.
Need to provide activities for teenagers and children.
Need to balance green policy with housing development.
Need to give same degree of consideration to transport infrastructure/environment and aesthetics in Balsall Common as in Dorridge with new Sainsbury's development.

Full text:

At this stage, the proposals are a little vague. When I see the the thought and investment that has gone in to creating a fairly nice environment for villagers in Dorridge centre ( when the new Sainsbury's was approved/built,) I am not convinced that the Council is committed to giving the same degree of consideration to the transport infrastructure/environment and aesthetics for Balsall Common Residents:
- how will the additional traffic that new housing brings be routed/controlled - is a relief road for the Village planned?
- Where will increased numbers of train commuters park, when the station car park is already full to capacity and cars are already being parked along Hall Meadow Road? Why not use land behind GP surgery to provide more parking for commuters?greater variety of shops?
- where will shoppers park? are there plans to pedestrianise the shopping area as it is not always safe crossing the road in the Village centre (why not knock Shell garage down and build a car park for shoppers?)
- will there be more regular buses into Knowle, Solihull?
- you claim to be keen on encouraging sustainable travel - how do you intend to do this in a semi rural area where the car is a necessity for most families (most probably having at least 2 cars) due to poor alternative transport options?