
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6439

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mark Horgan

Agent: Savills

Representation Summary:

SHELAA states that site performs well against suitability, availability and achievability criteria.
Consider more evidence is required for latter two tests.
Availability: Not all landowners have been notified of proposal or confirmed their support.
Achievability: Access has been identified as an issue by promoters.
At KDBH Neighbourhood Form meeting on 07.12.16 Arden Academy stated that only 450 homes are needed to deliver a new school, but they do not control all of required land.
Do not consider medical centre off Station Road as suitable access to new school.
Seek clarification on funding sources.
Southern parts of site have low accessibility.

Full text:

Please find attached our response on behalf of Mark Horgan to the Draft Local Plan Review consultation. We have also attached our Scope, Issues and Options (January 2016) submission for your reference.