
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6440

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mark Horgan

Agent: Savills

Representation Summary:

Proposal is currently vague on how 400 dwellings will be accommodated.
Need to be clearer on relationship between existing employment uses and proposed residential development. Clarity also sought on other potential uses such as retail, motor dealership etc.
Consider available land for housing is 8.81ha. At 36dph and 80% land uptake, yield is 253 dwellings.
If apartments or terraced housing provided, this could increase to 350 dwellings.
Shortfall will need to be met elsewhere.
Plan needs to specifically state whether it is a housing or mixed use site.

Full text:

Please find attached our response on behalf of Mark Horgan to the Draft Local Plan Review consultation. We have also attached our Scope, Issues and Options (January 2016) submission for your reference.