
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6450

Received: 12/12/2016

Respondent: Mr Matthew Workman

Representation Summary:

Object to the destruction of the local environment around Dickens Heath Village through the number of houses being built, as village poorly serviced by roads with lack of parking around centre, area is beautiful mix of fields, woodland and canals which are home to allsorts of wildlife which will be lost, and if development goes ahead, then there needs to be improvements to all the roads, bypasses, better train services, more shops and medical services.

Full text:


I wanted to pass on my thoughts to what can only be described as the destruction of the local environment around the Dickens Heath Village area through the number of houses being built.
The village is currently poorly serviced by roads in and out, plus the lack of parking around the shop area for visitors, so much so that they often turn around and drive out, which obviously affects local businesses.
The area around the village is beautiful mix of fields, woodland and canals which are home to allsorts of wildlife...What are the Council's plans for the wildlife if they agree to further houses being built. Seeing buzzards and birds of prey within a short walk of the village is great but will all be lost to further development.
Currently the roads are unsuitable to sustaining the current levels of traffic, they are already in disrepair, with the extra houses being proposed it will be more like constant traffic jams..

The plan to add extra houses to this area is a complete farce, and the area is just being picked on because it has beautiful green belt land, that the council think is ok to turn in housing estates, just to make money..

If this all goes ahead, then there needs to be improvements to all the roads, bypasses for the smaller villages (like Dickens Heath), better train services, more shops and medical services.

But overall factor for me is that this area is a beautiful area of small villages and fields and woodland that the Council seem adamant to ruin and turn into another suburb of concrete and bricks....

I really hope that SMBC listen to their residents..
