
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 682

Received: 01/02/2017

Respondent: Dick Andrewartha

Representation Summary:

Development would further add to the traffic chaos and dangerous situation which is Sharmans Cross road at certain times of A.M. and P.M.
Sharmans Cross Road and Solihull Road vary between a rat run and parking lot
at varying times.
With development currently on Woolmans site and the proposed Rugby Club site
there is likely to be upwards of 250 or more vehicles joining the group.
The road is too narrow for what is currently allowed to take place and any further
addition of housing will create a more serious situation

Full text:

Proposed major development on Solihull Rugby club ground.
I feel the proposed development would further add to the already traffic chaos and
dangerous situation which is Sharmans Cross road at certain times of A.M. and P.M.
Sharmans Cross Road and Solihull Road vary between a rat run and parking lot
at varying times.
With development currently on Woolmans sight and the proposed Rugby Club sight
there is likely to be upwards 250 or more vehicles joining the group.
The road is too narrow for what is currently allowed to take place and any further
addition of housing will create a more serious situation .
i have listened to the varying objections from the Action Group and support their
views although I live far enough away not really effected other than for my views
detailed above.