
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 686

Received: 01/02/2017

Respondent: Jean Gibbs

Representation Summary:

While I understand the need for extra housing, the area south of Shirley has already been developed some years ago. Development would result in a need for other schools so it would not stop at the extra housing. Also there would probably be a need for another doctors surgery to cope with the extra residents. We do not want a green "corridor", we want fields to walk through unrestricted by roofs etc. Then there is the wildlife to consider. Shirley park has already lost trees and some of the land to the Parkgate development.

Full text:

proposed housing on green belt
I have read the latest hand-delivered letter re: possible development sites in Shirley. While I understand the need for extra housing, this area has already been developed some years ago. I moved here to one of the many bungalows in this area after being driven around the area three years ago. I chose the area because of the lovely fields and green spaces. It is lovely and quiet. Along with any more houses I am sure there would be a need for other schools so it would not stop at the extra housing. Also there would probably be a need for another doctors surgery to cope with the extra residents. We do not want a green "corridor", we want fields to walk through unrestricted by roofs etc. Then there is the wildlife to consider. Shirley park has already lost trees and some of the land to the Parkgate development.