
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 700

Received: 02/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Valerie Young

Representation Summary:

The land is designated for the playing of sports and I would very much like this to remain so as I believe there are a number of local sports clubs looking for affordable fields.
Concern about the increased level of traffic exiting onto Sharmans Cross Road and any other roads involved in the development and the resulting impact on safety, noise and pollution.
Local services of schooling and medical which are already under pressure would only suffer further with such a development.
High density of housing is totally out of keeping with the surrounding area.

Full text:

Planning application for development - Sharmans Cross Road
I have been made aware of a development scheme on the former rugby field on Sharmans Cross Road and I wish to register my objection to this for the following reasons.
1. I thought this land is designated for the playing of sports and I would very much like this to remain so as I believe there are a number of local sports clubs looking for affordable fields.
2. I am extremely concerned about the increased level of traffic exiting onto Sharmans Cross Road and any other roads involved in the development and the resulting impact on safety, noise and pollution.
3. Our local services of schooling and medical which are already under pressure would only suffer further with such a development.
4. I feel that this high density of housing is totally out of keeping with the surrounding area.

I trust you will consider my objections and reject this development.