
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 746

Received: 04/02/2017

Respondent: Deborah King

Representation Summary:

The site has covenants regarding is use solely for sporting purposes.
It would damage the existence of Solihull Arden Club and would impact on the club in terms of noise, access and parking.
Would increase traffic within the surrounding area.
Would impact on schools where there is lack of places and doctors.
Lack of sports ground facilities for football and Rugby in the local area.
Object to a land swap between the site promoters and the tennis club as this could inhibit future growth aspirations.

Full text:

objection to housing development at Sharmans Cross Road (Proposed Housing allocation 18 in the Draft Local Plan)
I understand that this proposal has been submitted before several years ago but was refused. I believe the objections that were submitted then to the plan still exist.
They Include:
1. All of the site at Sharmans Cross Road has SMBC covenants regarding its use solely for sporting purposes.
2. The developer, Oakmoor Estates confirmed in writing to SMBC in June 2008 that the land would continue to be used for sporting purposes.
3. Solihull Arden Club has objected on the basis of the major damage it would do to their very existence.
I am a member of the Solihull Arden Tennis club and have been a member for 20 years.
I believe the housing development would impact on the club in the following ways:
* There will be disruption during the development in terms of noise, access, and parking facilities
* Once built, objections may be raised by residents concerning noise from social events in the clubhouse, evening play (floodlighting), parking and access to the club through there estate.
* Shared parking facilities between the club and the housing estate could lead to conflict between residents and club members if parking spaces are limited.
in addition to these points the housing development will have a severe disruptive effect upon the local infrastructure such as:
* increased traffic within the surrounding area - it is already difficult to exit the junction of Sharmans Cross road unto Blossomfield Road.
* impact upon schools and doctors surgery within the local area - there are already lack of places in all secondary schools in the area and there are no infant schools within a mile of the site which would impact on traffic during school start/finish times
* lack of sports grounds facilities for football/rugby in the local area - there is already a shortage of these which will have an impact on the development of youngsters in the area into wider area/national squads
I also understand that the developers (Oakmoor Estates) have expressed an interesting in swapping the land with Solihull Arden Tennis Club so that we occupy the leasehold land (existing ex-rugby club land) and the houses are built on the freehold land that is currently occupied by our club. This would have a severely detrimental effect on our club's future existence in years to come especially upon the expiry of the lease and the cost implications this will have. It will also prevent the freedom of the club to expand/develop the club in the future should the members wish to do so as we will not have the freedom and choice to perhaps change or expand the club as we may wish. I would object to this proposal in the strongest terms possible.
Given all of the points raised above, I request that my objection be noted by the planning committee regarding this particular proposed housing development and ask that it considers refusing planning permission on the grounds cited above.