
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 751

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Geoffrey Kennedy

Representation Summary:

I believe that the propsed large development in Balsall Common, does not meet the criteria from question 3. Over 800 homes are planned on green belt at the narrowest point of the Meriden gap, closing the distance with Coventry. Developed land, for example, to the north of Balsall Common has been ignored. The west of Balsall Common has more room to accommodate development sensitively. The largest site chosen has poor public transport and worse car access than other sites. Increased car numbers would add significantly to the congestion in Balsall Common itself.

Full text:

I believe that the propsed large development in Balsall Common, does not meet the criteria from question 3. Over 800 homes are planned on green belt at the narrowest point of the Meriden gap, closing the distance with Coventry. Developed land, for example, to the north of Balsall Common has been ignored. The west of Balsall Common has more room to accommodate development sensitively. The largest site chosen has poor public transport and worse car access than other sites. Increased car numbers would add significantly to the congestion in Balsall Common itself.