
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 752

Received: 04/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs E Downing

Representation Summary:

There are more places to build without using Green Belt.
Development will put a strain on roads that are already full and put a strain on the schools which are up to maximum over subscribed!
Impact on wildlife.
Need space away from traffic, houses and people. The area is a vital community amenity and vital to the identity of local settlements.
Open spaces are needed for many reasons.

Full text:

Allocation 13 Shirley Woods Farm
I would like to strongly advise the planning department that using all our greenbelt to put houses on is not always a great idea, what about using the space we already have and making it more liveable? There are more places that can be made into homes that using our precious greenbelt.

I have lived in Shirley for 46 years and moved to the edge of Shirley mainly to be closer to nature, I live not far from Bills woods on Kingshurst Road, I use the Bills lane entrance to walk my dogs take in the views and nature. Never thought that it would ever come to having to fill a petition and send and email, in the hope that planning see sense and do not grant planning permission for houses to be build. This not only will put strain on our roads that are already full because of Asda and Aqueduct road houses on Colebrook road. putting strain on the schools which are up to maximum over subscribed!

There is the impact on Wildlife and the need to keep these places free from tarmac simply because of the impact on wildlife the animals, that have lived there for years. We all need space away from traffic, houses and people. To take our rights away is wrong, The greenbelt area is a vital community amenity and vital to the identity of local settlements.

All that planning are doing is filling in the gaps, soon there will be no beginning and no end, and no room for wildlife. We as humans have an impact on wildlife, they cannot speak for themselves. Introducing human construction is a disturbance on the environment and because of the use of green belt various animal species will be threatened and the ecological balance of nature will cause a massive impact to the environment. We need these open spaces! for many reasons.