
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 760

Received: 05/02/2017

Respondent: Lynette Donohoe

Representation Summary:

Additional residents would need access to already overstretched resources - doctors, dentists, school places, emergency services and hospitals.
Solihull Council are being led by greed and are being short sighted about the impact of these new homes on the existing residents. Solihull is special thanks to the fact it has green spaces and woodland. It was always known as Urbs in Rure, the town in the country. If you start building on all of these green spaces then we will become another faceless town of new builds.

Full text:

It was with great sadness that I read of the plans to build a large number of new homes around Solihull.
I am particularly concerned about Allocation 13 which I understand is the proposed site for 600 new homes.
600 homes could potentially bring 2000+ new residents. These residents would need access to already overstretched resources. Have considerations been made for their need for Doctor's Surgeries, Dentists and school places? Our primary schools are already heavily oversubscribed. Have considerations been made for the potential extra input on the Emergency Services? How about Maternity Services in the borough? Our local hospital has already been downgraded to the point where it seems to be a glorified GP surgery. Maternity services in the borough are shameful. I am a lifelong resident and was 5 minutes away from having my son in Heartlands Hospital car park. I was the last person they allowed in and then they closed the Maternity Unit as they were over capacity. I know you have no control over the NHS but I do think you need to be responsible when adding extra pressures on to it at a time when all medical and emergency services are overstretched.
I feel that Solihull Council are being led by greed and are being short sighted about the impact of these new homes on the existing residents. Solihull is special thanks to the fact it has green spaces and woodland. It was always known as Urbs in Rure, the town in the country. If you start building on all of these green spaces then we will become another faceless town of new builds.
Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns.