
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 768

Received: 05/02/2017

Respondent: Phillip Shakles

Representation Summary:

The roads aren't much more than lanes in some parts, with narrow footpaths. Pedestrians have to step into the road to pass each other. The roads are heavily used at peak times and there has been several bad accidents in the area.
The area is being over developed by property developers who will cram as many houses as they can into the area and Solihull Council who see green fields as £ signs.
Will schools, doctors, hospitals and other services & amenities that are stretched now be able to cope? Are there Plans to improve these services and facilities?

Full text:

I am strongly Against the proposed planning by Solihull Council for the house development for the Shirley, Dickens Heath and Majors Green Area. I feel it will be very damaging for the area and the people who live and will be living there in the future . There are roads which aren't much more than lanes in some parts, some with narrow footpath and pedestrians have to step into the road to pass each other. I myself have been hit twice by vehicles wing mirrors in Haslucks Green road by vehicles moving over to avoid traffic coming the other way. The roads in peak time is very heavily used and there has been several bad accidents recently at Bills Lane, Haslucks Green Road, Rushleigh Road ,Cambria Drive and Whitlock End Station Bend, fortunately up till now not a fatal one. I feel the area is being over developed by property developers who will cram as many house as they can into the area and Solihull Council who see green fields as £ signs.
Schools, Doctors, Hospitals and other services & amenities are stretched now. Will they be able to cope with an increased the population. Are there Plans to improve these services and facilities .