
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 788

Received: 05/02/2017

Respondent: Raymond Wong

Representation Summary:

Object to the proposed 600 homes at allocation 13. I do not believe that we have the necessary infrastructure in place to support such a huge increase in population. On top of that I do not feel that current beautiful piece of land should be used for housing. The land should continue in its present state and be open to the public.

Full text:

I am a home owner at Shotteswell Road, Shirley, and I would like to voice my objection in regards to the proposed 600 homes at allocation 13. I do not believe that we have the necessary infrastructure in place to support such a huge increase in population. On top of that I do not feel that current beautiful piece of land should be used for housing. The land should continue in its present state and be open to the public.