
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 799

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Miss Emma Maybury

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13
We need these green spaces protected for generations to come, not built on
We were guaranteed by the Council that the land would never be built on
We do not need more houses, we need the green spaces, schools, GP surgeries and better roads
On a floodplain
Sewer stream running through it
Is land saturated?
Countless wildlife
Strain on schools, doctors, roads, car parks
Very little publicity

Full text:

Application 13

I am emailing you today to voice concerns over application 13. I have lived on the estate opposite all of my life and do not wish to see the countryside destroyed forever. We need these green spaces protected not built on. When my parents and Neighbours first moved on to this estate we were guaranteed by the Council that the land would never be built on so why are you going back on your word now. We do not need more houses, we need the green spaces, we need schools, we need GP surgeries and we need better roads. The site that application 13 is on is a floodplain, how is that a good idea to build on. It's also got a sewer stream running through it and I'm pretty sure nobody wants to live by that. Ferries countless wildlife over there foxes, badgers, rabbits and it endangered birds of prey, where are these are all supposed to go? You've already taken half of Shirley Park to build park gate Centre and we didn't need that! .We need the green spaces, we need the places to run and play with our children and space to walk dogs. We need to protect the green areas around South surely not build on them. We need to protect them for generations to come so they can see the beautiful greenery and wildlife not a concrete Jungle. We need to protect the wildlife that's over there. We do not want or need all these homes that will put strain on our resources on our schools, on our doctors. Homes let's say have two cars per household which would sky rocket the amount of cars in the area putting strain on the already overflowing car parks and roads. Have you ever tried to drive around this area on the school run? Or in peak traffic hours? Have you done a wildlife survey? Have you checked the land for saturation? Have you even asked the people what they want or need? There are plenty of other areas that need houses, that need the money spending on them, but the plot on which application 13 stands does not need any of this, all that needs is the people of this area to pull together and stop the building on green land, that needs to stay protected and kept so that the British countryside stays as countryside and not a lifeless concrete Jungle awash with orange bricks and coloured metal boxes. This community will not stand for the taking of our green spaces that we need and the disgusting way you went about not telling us what you were planning. Yes you put a tiny little article in the paper the size of a postage stamp that nobody saw. This was a very sneaky way of going about it it should have been a full page warning people of the disaster that The Counselor planning to put upon us. Being and of the younger generation of this area you have fully lost my votes and face that the council know how to look after this community because from my point of view the only thing that the council is willing to do for us is to make our lives a lot harder and just line their pockets with money rather than spending it on the things that we need not the things that you think we need when we don't. I hope you know just how disgusted we all are with your actions.