
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 809

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Mark O'Regan

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 2, Frog Lane.
Not suitable as requires significant infrastructure.
Worst traffic hotspot in Balsall Common, queues, parking outside Primary School, dangerous for pedestrians.
Preferable sites (some part brownfield) to north of Balsall Common.
Playing fields should not be built on, lack of public green space in south of village.
Sport England should be consulted.

Full text:

NDP Comments
I would like to make an objection to the proposed development of the Frog Lane site in Balsall Common. I realise that the council needs development to take place, however the site off Frog Lane is not suitable as the infrastructure would need significant improvement which could cause significant problems for the residents. The site is south of the village in the worst traffic hot spot in Balsall Common, with traffic quite often in queues and parking outside the primary school making it dangerous for pedestrians.

Several potential sites (some partially brownfield) were identified to the north of the village, and they all scored more highly than Frog Lane in terms accessibility, these locations such as The Grange should be prioritised over the Frog Lane site.

According to the plans shown at the council consultation the playing fields (which is Green Belt land) are to be included in the Frog Lane development. This is totally wrong as in the south of the village there is a lack of public green space with this being the only park land. The park is used by a wide range of groups including dog walkers, sports teams and the girl guides. Government advise states disposal or change of use of playing field and school land requires prior written consent of the Secretary of State for Education (which includes any transfer/sale of freehold or leasehold land and the grant/surrender of a lease). Applications and notifications must be made to the Education Funding Agency. Before making an application (or giving notification) to the EFA. Sport England should also be consulted when an application involves removing playing fields.

It is my belief that Solihull Council should remove the Frog Lane development from the NDP and look at alternative sites.