
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 815

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Pamela & Roger Davis

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13
This area will have little parkland and open space if building goes ahead.
Ask steps taken to retain and enhance existing amenity fields and green corridor to the bridleway, with access to Bills Lane, the canal and countryside.

Full text:

Proposed 600 homes on land adjacent to the Woodlands and Badgers Estate.
We wish to let you know of our concerns over the proposed building of six hundred homes on land adjacent to the Woodlands and Badgers Estate. The rest of Shirley has Palmers Rough, Mill Lodge Park and Shirley Park for recreation, but this area will have little in the way of parkland and open space should this building go ahead.

When Birmingham and Tamworth developed their suburbs they both left sufficient open space and parkland for the benefit of its residents. However, Solihull Council seems to be hell bent on building on every available piece of land without leaving any open spaces! If the Council continue with their building plans, they may well have to rethink the borough's motto of 'Urbs in Rure' - the Town in the Countryside.

We would ask that steps are taken by the Council to retain and enhance the existing amenity fields and the Green Corridor to the Bridleway, with access to Bills Lane, the Canal and the Countryside beyond.