
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 832

Received: 31/01/2017

Respondent: Mrs Wendy Wilson

Representation Summary:

Will add to proven congestion hotspots to the south of Balsall Common and will add to traffic delays. Development of the site is contrary to local plan policies DLP Policy P7 and DLP Policy P9.
The site score poorly in relation to all accessibility criteria apart from the primary school. Therefore most journeys will be by car.
The sites are Green Belt and very special circumstance to justify inappropriate development in the Green Belt has not been demonstrated. There are 14 previously developed sites available that have not been properly considered.

Full text:

Please find attached the detailed report compiled by the BARRAGE action group in response to the Draft Local Plan.

I believe you will have received many letters of objection already which make reference to this report.

Please note that the focus of the report responds to Q15 in the DLP in that we do not believe that sites 2 and 3 should be included in the plan and would propose that serious consideration should be given to the inclusion of site 240 instead.