
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 852

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Suzanne Sturdy

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Fields have lots of wildlife.
Lots of dog walkers use site.
Keep our beautiful countryside.
Loss of Green Belt.

Full text:

Objections to plan on green belt Area 13
I strongly object to the proposal to build on this green belt, me and my family have lived in Baxters rd for over 23 years, our house faces the fields. We enjoy our family walks over into those fields, visit the pond and feed the ducks. We enjoy the wildlife, the foxes that play around the weeping willows, woodpeckers, owls, squirrels and bats at dusk skimming in and out of the tress up to our window.

So many people walk their dogs into these fields and it's such a pleasure and I am so proud of where I live.

I feel devastated as do my family that the proposed number of houses will be concreted onto our green belt, the beautiful countryside wiped out and destroyed. Whilst we accept we need more houses, there are other areas that you could look at or at least make a huge reduction in numbers for this area.

I strongly request that you consider this objection and at least consider balancing the need for building new houses and saving our green belt, those fields opposite woodloes/Baxters rd, it's just heart-breaking to feel this huge threat could be a reality, I am desperately appealing to you to look elsewhere for the building of new houses.