
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 853

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Linda Moore

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.
Three fields used by local dog walkers and walkers for access to countryside.
Local infrastructure already stretched.
Loss of Green Belt.

Full text:

South Shirley housing development
As a resident of Micklehill Drive I am appalled by the plans to build so many houses in a relatively small area and take away so much green belt land. I moved here seven years ago and made sure we had dog walking areas within walking distance. Site 13 which has three fields I understand was provided for local residence use is used by dog walkers and walkers for access to countryside.
The local infrastructure is already stretched : Tamworth Lane, Dog Kennel, Blackford, all struggle to deal with traffic at peak times. Schools , doctors surgeries, local hospital also struggle to cope now !
I have attended local meetings and know how strong the feeling is in our community and trust these plans will be reviewed to consider other sites available.