
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 864

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Peter Owen

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 18
Density of proposal out of character for the area.
Existing traffic congestion on Sharmans Cross Road.
Doubt there will be sufficient parking for Arden Club and properties.
Flooding issues in nearby back gardens.
Schools and medical centres overstretched.
Loss of sporting use.

Full text:

Objections to Prososed Housing Allocation on Sharmans Cross Road

The density of the proposal, is out of scale and character for the area available, severely affecting surrounding properties.

Traffic congestion on Sharmans Cross Road, has increased over the last 2 years. 100 households, inevitably some with 2 cars, can only make this significantly worse., adding to pollution, effecting pedestrian and highway safety.

I very much doubt there will be sufficient parking for both the Arden club and new properties, where will the overflow park? The side roads are already congested.

Our Property is opposite the site, our garden flooded after every heavy rainfall, I would expect the proposed site to provide sufficient drainage for the site itself, but my concern is that the proposed density of build will push water into surrounding areas.

Schools and medical centres are already stretched in the area, if a development of this density was to be considered, plans to increase the capacity of these services should be included.

I understand SMBC agreed the ground would be protected for sporting use, it would be a great pity, for whatever reason, if the Council were to now go back on this undertaking.