
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 865

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Carol Finchen

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 18.
Flooding issues in nearby back gardens, water table is very high. New development would exacerbate surface water run-off.
Existing traffic issues and pollution. 100 households could generate 300-400 new cars.
Risk to pedestrians accessing Sharmans Cross Junior School.
Loss of existing trees and hedgerows for wildlife.
Local services already overstretched.

Full text:

Proposed Development - LDP Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I wish to strongly object to the proposed development on the rugby/sports field area off Sharmans Cross Road as referenced above.
There are several points I wish to raise as part of my objection viz:
Flooding: My property is situated in the cul-de-sac area on Winterbourne Road. The water table in the surrounding area is very high, the gardens retain several inches of water after heavy or sustained rainfall, until the ground/trees can absorb the excess. My concern is that this will be greatly exacerbated with the laying of concrete foundations, roads and pathways that a new development will bring, without any means to drain off the excess.
Increased traffic and pollution: Building 100 new properties will greatly increase the number of vehicles in a small area - with several adults possibly occupying each property there could be up to 300/400 extra vehicles using/polluting the proposed estate and environs. The extra vehicles could have a serious affect on highway safety and increase the gridlock which already exists on Sharmans Cross Road, Streetsbrook Road and into Solihull centre - traffic creeps along these roads between 7.45am and 9.00am churning out fumes and pollutants. The safety and health of many children living in the area will be at extra risk - we encourage children to walk to school to improve their fitness and cut down on traffic but they would encounter more risk crossing roads and breathing in fumes. The proposed development is very close to Sharmans Cross Junior school and Sharmans Cross Road is used by many children going to this school and the senior schools in the area - Tudor Grange and Alderbrook.
Suitability: The development of 100 properties will destroy the character of the neighbourhood, buildings of more than two stories will increase overshadowing, leading to loss of light and privacy to surrounding properties. I am concerned by the loss of existing trees and hedgerows surrounding the field. They are a known habitat for bats, badgers and a buzzard.
Pressure on facilities: With 100 proposed properties the affect on local facilities will be detrimental. How will existing schools cope with the increase in places required? We do not want to go back to class sizes of 40+. There will be a similar strain on local doctor's surgeries with an increased localized population.
Please re-consider this proposed housing development on this site.