
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 876

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Terry & Tracey Hughes

Representation Summary:

Realise houses need to be built in the area, but the site needs to be saved.
The fields are used by people to enjoy the benefits of the countryside on the doorstep and are the last bit of common land left to the people of Shirley and act as a parkland. The fields also contain wildlife (monk jack deer, wild fowl, owls, herons and various amphibious creatures).
Prone to flooding.
Detrimental effect on the already heavy traffic.
Site 13 to remain as green corridor.

Full text:

Re site 13 south Shirley
After looking at the council proposals for the development of south Shirley I would like to propose that you would keep site 13 as a green corridor and nature reserve for the residents of south Shirley which would lessen the impact with the development on dog kennel lane and dickens heath and would compensate the residents of Shirley for the loss of parkland to Parkgate development which is still a sore point with local residents.
I hope this can be of some help towards building a healthy and environmentally nature friendly housing plan which will benefit us all and future generations to come.

I am writing with the strongest possible objections to the proposed housing allocation 13 south Shirley.
First of all I fully realise houses need to be built in the area, but of the four areas of building proposed around the south of Shirley allocation 13 really is land that needs to be saved!
The fields have been used for decades by the people of south Shirley to be able to enjoy the benefits of the countryside right on our doorstep.
Not only is this area of great benefit to the local people but it is also used by the rest of the residents of Shirley and surrounding areas as far away as Olton etc who come here to walk their dogs or walk with their families in the local countryside.
These fields are the last bit of common land left to the people of Shirley and act as a parkland for the people who have already lost a chunk of Shirley park to the park gate development. The fields also contain breeding monk jack deer, wild fowl, owls, herons and various amphibious creatures in the pools and marshes.
The people who live in Woodloes road and the immediate areas do not have large gardens and having the fields to be able to walk in benefits people both physically and also mentally.
I was so very upset to hear of these proposals to the only piece of land which provides Shirley south with the last piece of countryside left in Shirley!
To continue, many people have moved into this area specifically because of being able to enjoy the benefits that this area of land gives to everyone.
The proposed housing allocation 13 you want to build on is so important to the local people and I really cannot understand how you can build on land that is also prone to flooding.
Building a further 600 more houses in this area will also have a detrimental effect on the already heavy traffic that runs through Tanworth lane and Blackford rd which has been made worse due to a recent build of housing between those roads which has had an added effect on the surrounding roads by us. Not forgetting it will make the ongoing heavy traffic on the Stratford road even worse!
Please reconsider the effect of this proposal of housing on allocation 13 south of Shirley. Our fields benefit so many. We need them not only for our generation but for further generations to enjoy!