
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 901

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Stephanie James

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Wonderful area, full of nature. Enjoyed by many locals.
Lots of development already in South Shirley.
Loss of Green Belt.
Feel the decision has already been made by the Council.
Impact on local roads, schools and healthcare.

Full text:

Objection to allocation 13
I would like to submit my objection to the planned development on allocation 13.

This is a wonderful area, full of nature. I used to play there as a child, as my children now do. We go for walks in all seasons and always see many other people also enjoying the area.

South Shirley is currently being decimated by the developers. To lose this piece of GREEN BELT land would truly be criminal. There are so many developments being built in the South Shirley area, we will fight to keep just this one small piece of it's natural beauty.

It saddens me that it does seem that residents objections are often overlooked as has happened with many other local developments and we are probably right to think the decision has already been made and that greed will win out, but where will it stop! The plans seem to keep coming and coming and soon there will be no areas of natural beauty for the wildlife that currently thrives there.

This will also have a massive impact on our local roads, not to mention schools and healthcare too