
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 916

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Jane Frith

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 18.

Further housing would increase traffic.
Crossroads of Streetsbrook Road, Sharmans Cross Road, Stonor Park Road & Dorchester Road is gridlock between 8am to 9.15am.
Touchwood Phase 2 will make it worse.
Additional 100-200 cars on the route will be worse and potentially dangerous.
Pulling out into traffic is dangerous.

Full text:

LDP- Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I would like to protest at the application for 100 dwellings to be built on the Solihull Arden tennis club and adjacent rugby pitches for the following reasons
1 Further housing would mean increased traffic in the area. At present this area, including the crossroads of Streetsbrook Rd, Sharmans Cross Rd, Stonor Park Rd and Dorchester Rd is a gridlock from approximately 8.00am to 9.15am most days. This will only get worse as Touchwood Phase 2 comes on line. If potentially another 100 to 200 cars try to join this route the situation will be horrendous and potentially dangerous.
I took photographs this morning at approximately 8.30am which demonstrates what is going on. People are having to push out into the traffic which is a dangerous situation.