
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 917

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Godfrey Frith

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 18.

Impact on:
Playing fields

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I write to formally object to the LDP-PHA 18.
My reasons are
The junction between Streetsbrook Road, Sharmans Cross Road, Dorchester Rd and Stonor Park Road is already severely congested in the rush out period with traffic backing up along Streetsbrook and Sharmans Cross.
The plans to extend Touchwood can only increase traffic flow.
This junction is dangerous to drivers, pedestrians and cyclists particularly in the winter months and bad weather.
More houses and therefore car owners will worsen this situation .
Parking on Sharmans Cross at school times is already causing difficulties which would be exacerbated by more traffic
This would be a permanent loss of sporting facilities in the borough and SMBC are already failing in this regard I understand that the council formally minuted in 2013 that the grounds would be for sporting purposes only and the freehold would not be sold. I see no reason for this view to be changed.
Apart from the traffic problems, there is a lack of schools and doctors to support further houses in the area.
There is already flooding on Sharmans Cross and the water table on Streetsbrook is very high in wet periods-further houses will worsen this .