
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 931

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: mr David Moore

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Green space valuable to local people for recreation.
Given by the Layca community association.
Lots of wildlife.
Stratford Rd to M42, and roads around Tanworth Lane, Dog Kennel Lane etc congested at peak hours.
Local services: schools, hospital, doctors, emergency services are stretched.
Should remain Green Belt.

Full text:

I use this land to walk my dog along with many other people doing the same thing or to get out in the country
we all meet lots of people and can talk about various things .We need this open space in which some of the land
was given by the layca community association for recreation use and must remain so.

Around this site13 there are a lot of elderly people who have this on there doorstep and enjoy the green space
and the various forms of wild life which there is a lot .Where will they all go ?
The roads around Tanworth lane dog kennel lane and more are already congested early morning late afternoon
also the A34 Stratford road to M42 is very busy early morning late afternoon.
What about schools /hospitals /doctors / emergency services they are stretch now and can not get the staff ?
I could expand this email more but am trying to keep it short as i can knowing you will have lots on this issue, but the point is
it is green belt and should remain and I object very strongly to the amount of houses being built on site13.

I also feel there should be more put in the press than has been