
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 935

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Jen Hickman

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Have used footpaths and fields for walking at Site 13 for 40 years.
Important area of open countryside providing for health and wellbeing of local community.
Important for wildlife.
Green buffer between Shirley and Dickens Heath.
Quality Green Belt.
Dickens Heath development badly impacted traffic in the area due to insufficient road infrastructure.
Continuous stream of traffic between Dickens Heath, Dog Kennel Lane and junction 4 on Stratford Road to M42.
Better to build closer to M6, M40, Birmingham International and proposed HS2 station.
Need joined up thinking about road infrastructure with adjacent counties.

Full text:

Solihull Local Plan Review: Shirley South Site 13
I wish to register my objection to the plans to build the large number of houses in Shirley south and in particular on the land close to the Woodlands and Badgers Estate.
I have lived in Woodlands Lane for forty years and, together with many other residents, have used the footpaths and fields for walking to get fresh air and exercise. It is an important area of open countryside providing for the health and well being of the local community. The extensive old hedgerows, trees and wetland areas are important habitats for wildlife. As this area provides a green buffer between us and Dicken's Heath please don't swallow it all up with development. I have this year worked with the 'Love Solihull' team to keep these fields and the canal tow path free from litter. It is quality green belt.
Dicken's Heath has already impacted on the traffic in the area. In the morning there is a continuous stream of traffic heading from there, up Dog Kennel Lane to junction 4 of the M42. This makes it so difficult for us to get out of Tanworth Lane that it creates the ridiculous situation whereby, if using the car, we do not leave the house between 7:45 and 9:00! More development in the area will add to the already congested stretch of the Stratford Road and M42. Why not build closer to the M6, M40, Birmingham International and the proposed HS2 stations. Most do not use other ways out of Dicken's Heath as Worcester shire and Warwickshire have not improved the roads up to the Solihull boundary. The access to junction 3 of the M42 is still country lanes.