11 Shirley - TRW Site

Showing comments and forms 121 to 125 of 125


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6228

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Cosmic Fireworks Directors Retirement Fund

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Overconcentration of development south of Shirley.
SHELAA - ref. 124 is a Category 2 site. Report observes that housing would result in loss of existing employment land uses on site, which needs to be found acceptable in planning terms. We have found no up-to-date evidence to substantiate this. Estimates capacity as 226 dwellings only.
Unlikely that 400 dwellings can come forward without prejudice to existing uses.

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Please find attached representations to the Draft Solihull Local Plan Review for the land at Barston Lane/ Oak Lane, Barston B92 0JR

The submission comprises the letter of representations (10445 LA3 GC LPR APP) and a site plan (ref.no. 10445-01A) with the site edged red.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6259

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Elizabeth Rand

Representation Summary:

Object to amount of land proposed for development in Shirley, as the area south of Stratford Road is already congested and will not be able to cope with the amount of traffic, there are insufficient transport connections such as railway links, and loss of green areas will reduce Shirley's image from the lovely 'town in the country' it always was.

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Too much green belt land is being built on in Shirley.
The area south of the Stratford Road is already congested and will not be able to cope with the amount of traffic. There are insufficient transport connections such as railway links to these areas. By reducing the green belt areas, Shirley's image is reduced from the lovely 'town in the country' it always was.
More high density housing could be built in the north of the borough. I also disagree with the East of Solihull development of 650 units on green belt again.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6302

Received: 28/01/2017

Respondent: Mrs Jane Carbray

Representation Summary:

The impact of additional congestion on the local roads from the proposed new housing sites needs to be assessed. The internal roads within Dickens Heath are already experiencing congestion during peak hours in the morning and do not have the capacity to accommodate additional traffic from the proposed housing sites west of Dickens Heath and south of Shirley. Proposed sites 12 and 11 would also worsen the existing congestion and cause traffic to back up into Dickens Heath.

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The impact of additional congestion on the local roads from the proposed new housing sites needs to be assessed. The internal roads within Dickens Heath are already experiencing congestion during peak hours in the morning and do not have the capacity to accommodate additional traffic from the proposed housing sites west of Dickens Heath and south of Shirley. Proposed sites 12 and 11 would also worsen the existing congestion and cause traffic to back up into Dickens Heath.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6412

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Eric Homer

Representation Summary:

Of all the site in and around Shirley, this is the one that I consider to be a good location.
It is an existing brownfield site and has good transport connectivity.

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As a resident of Shirley South I am getting increasingly concerned about flooding that is affecting gardens in the area and also the effect of development on the land at Site 13. Site 13 has a number of eco systems that range from grass land to marsh and heath land, evergreen forest and mature deciduous trees and hedgerows. There is a network of drainage ditches and well-established farm ponds and also a sink area which is effectively bog land. The area is very wet and for the most part of the winter is very boggy due to the very high water table and the constituent soil composition. This results in heavy flooding across most of this low lying area. Many of the houses that back onto the fields in Langcomb Road experience flooding in their back gardens on a regular basis. A phenomenon that has reduced to an extent following the intensive planting of Christmas trees in the field adjacent to the gardens.
If the proposed development of Site 13 was to go ahead then there would be significant effects on the water table in the area, both in terms of run-off and drainage. The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy from April 2015 doesn't factor in surface water meaning that the flood risk at site 13 is significantly underestimated. The long term predictions are for wetter weather throughout parts of the year. I am concerned that the constraints map used to detail the flood risk across the borough doesn't fully capture all the areas of concern, especially Site 13.


Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6440

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mark Horgan

Agent: Savills

Representation Summary:

Proposal is currently vague on how 400 dwellings will be accommodated.
Need to be clearer on relationship between existing employment uses and proposed residential development. Clarity also sought on other potential uses such as retail, motor dealership etc.
Consider available land for housing is 8.81ha. At 36dph and 80% land uptake, yield is 253 dwellings.
If apartments or terraced housing provided, this could increase to 350 dwellings.
Shortfall will need to be met elsewhere.
Plan needs to specifically state whether it is a housing or mixed use site.

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Please find attached our response on behalf of Mark Horgan to the Draft Local Plan Review consultation. We have also attached our Scope, Issues and Options (January 2016) submission for your reference.