Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 44 Are there any other comments
Representation ID: 8651
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Urban Growth Company
Agent: Mott MacDonald
Reiterates commitment and position of the UGC with regard to the UK Central Hub which should be taken into account in preparation of the pre submission version of the local plan. UGC is supportive of the commitment to the UKC Hub in the Draft Plan and supplementary document particularly regarding the sites contribution towards the delivery of homes.
Welcomes recognition of development potential of The Hub particularly overarching vision and set of place making principles which will create a distinct place. UGC is developing a framework that will allow landowners to invest and develop their sites but also contribute towards the infrastructure costs. Would welcome recognition of this and findings of updated HGIP and Framework Plan within the pre-submission plan.
Is supportive of increase in housing to be accommodated on site. Site selection methodology has been reviewed the UGC agrees with methodology in relation to The Hub.
Principles of Policy P1 in Draft are supported and requests that policy provides enough flexibility to develop in a phased manner. Further clarity in the policy on the range of uses to be accommodated would be welcomed. UGC is working with landowners and key stakeholders and would like to provide further information to SMBC to support the development of the policy in relation to this.
Requests that the timetable for the pre-submission draft is confirmed to allow UGC to input.
Seeks further clarity in P1 on the need to provide high quality place making across The Hub respecting the uniqueness of each economic asset.
Please see attached Cover Letter prepared by Mott MacDonald (agent).