Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Ended on the 15 March 2019


The following information on our portal is designed to be a summary of our main consultation document. We've designed it in order to provide direct access for you to be able to answer the questions within our document.

The full consultation document is available to view, save or print from our website at

  • http://www.solihull.gov.uk/Portals/0/Planning/LPR/Draft-Local-Plan-Supplementary-Consultation-Document.pdf
  • http://www.solihull.gov.uk/Portals/0/Planning/LPR/Solihull-Local-Plan-Review-Draft-Concept-Materplans.pdf
  • http://www.solihull.gov.uk/Portals/0/Planning/LPR/Draft-Local-Plan-Supplementary-Consultation-Amber-Sites.pdf
  • http://www.solihull.gov.uk/Portals/0/Planning/LPR/Draft-Local-Plan-Supplementary-Consultation- Site-Assessments.pdf

Consultation on a supplementary update to the Draft Local Plan commenced at the end of January 2019 and will be open for the submission of comments until 15th March 2019.

This consultation is seeking to:

  • Provide an update on local housing need now that national planning policy has changed through the introduction of a standard methodology.
  • Assess the 70+ additional call-for-sites submissions that have been submitted since the DLP was published.
  • Refine the site selection process for assessing which sites should be included in the plan and reassess all sites (c320) to ensure that the preferred sites are the most appropriate when considered against the spatial strategy, and existing/new or updated evidence.
  • Publishing concept masterplans for the principal allocations.
  • Exploring a different approach to calculating how affordable housing provision should be calculated on an individual site.
  • Setting out the role of the main settlements in the future and seeking views on the existing pressures and future requirements for infrastructure provision.

This consultation is not seeking to:

  • Revise the contribution that the Council is making towards the HMA shortfall. This will be considered through the draft submission version of the plan .
  • Amend the overall spatial strategy set out in the DLP.
  • Revisit the non-housing related parts of the DLP.

The following documents have been published as part of the consultation, all of which can be found at www.solihull.gov.uk/lpr:

  • Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation Document
  • Solihull Local Plan Review – Draft Concept Masterplans
  • Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation: Amber Sites
  • Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation: Site Assessments

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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