Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 23 - Site 8 - Hampton Road
Representation ID: 8151
Received: 14/03/2019
Respondent: Knowle Streamside Trust
The Committee would wish to re-iterate its concern on the impact of large scale housing in proximity to the LWS in relation to environmental and ecological issues, and to potential impact upon Purnell's Brook. The Masterplan indicates the LWS is to be treated as POS to serve the proposed development and it is not acceptable as the development must meet its own needs and not utilise already protected wildlife sites. For clarity therefore the Masterplan should exclude the existing Wychwood Avenue LWS and note the recent addition to the draft NPPF "Identify, map and safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats".
Knowle Streamside Trust Management Committee
Response to the Council's Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation
I am submitting the Committee's response as agreed by the Management Committee of the Trust and which Chris Edgell / Public Realm Manager, will copy to the Cabinet Member, Cllr Tony Dicicco, whose portfolio covers the Trust land for which the Council is the Corporate Trustee. (Charity Number 523005/Date Registered 19/08/1969).
With respect to the Council's Draft Local Plan Supplementary Consultation, the Knowle Streamside Management Committee, which has responsibility for the management of the Wychwood Avenue Local Wildlife Site (LWS) would wish to refer the Council to the response it made to the original Draft Local Plan consultation in February 2017. In particular, the Committee would wish to re-iterate its concern regarding the impact that large scale housing development in proximity to the LWS might have in relation to environmental and ecological issues, and in relation to any potential impact upon the Purnell's Brook.
With regard to the concept Masterplan, the Committee would wish to draw the Council's attention to the fact that this currently designates the LWS as Public Open Space (POS) within that plan. It appears from the Masterplan that the existing LWS is to be treated as POS to serve the proposed development. If this is correct, it is not acceptable as the development must meet its own needs and not utilise already protected wildlife sites. For clarity therefore the Masterplan should exclude the existing Wychwood Avenue LWS."
The recent addition to the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) should be adhered to viz "Identify, map and safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats and wider ecological networks, including locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity; wildlife corridors and stepping stones that connect them; and areas identified for habitat management, enhancement, restoration or creation." in that Solihull Council take due note of the recommendation above on excluding Wychwood Avenue LWS from the Masterplan.
Councillor Alan Rebeiro, Knowle Ward
Chairman , Knowle Streamside Management Committee
Date: 13/03/2019