Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 44 Are there any other comments

Representation ID: 9236

Received: 14/03/2019

Respondent: National Motorcycle Museum

Agent: Framptons Planning

Representation Summary:

Although consultation focuses on housing numbers/updating proposed allocations, important to re-iterate views that the National Motorcycle Museum should be included in the UK Central Hub Area and that Site 19 should be extended south to include NMM site. NMM with major investment planned has substantial synergy with the Hub Area/HS2, as will support business tourism/local economy, safeguard existing and provide additional employment, provides educational/socio-economic opportunities, and optimise the existing cultural asset. There is a lack of land available for development within the urban areas and NMM is brownfield and suitable for development. GBA demonstrates that land lower performing green belt.

Full text:

The attached representations are submitted on behalf of the Trustees of the National Motorcycle Museum.


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