Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 5 - Site 2 - Frog Lane

Representation ID: 8882

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

Welcome the retention of the playing fields at the eastern end of the site and this should be reflected in the policy allocating the site. Alternatively, the playing fields should be removed from the proposed allocation.

Full text:

Welcome the retention of the playing fields at the eastern end of the site and this should be reflected in the policy allocating the site. Alternatively, the playing fields should be removed from the proposed allocation.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 12 - Site 4 - Land West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 8884

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

Sport England consider that if the site is allocated a requirement for the allocation policy should state the playing fields (playing pitches and ancillary facilities) should not be developed upon until replacement provision is made in line with the requirements of NPPF paragraph 97(b) and Sport England's Playing Fields Policy.

Site promoter masterplan would represent a quantitative loss of playing field land, therefore it would not comply with national planning policy and Sport England policies relating to playing fields.

SMBC's illustrative emerging concept masterplan retention of Shirley Town FC does not represent replacement pitches.

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The proposed allocation contains playing field land currently occupied by Highgate United FC, Leafield FC and Old Yardleians Rugby Football Club. The consultation document states that re-provision will be required for these sports pitches. The Council's Playing Pitch Strategy identifies that there is a current and future shortfall in playing pitch provision therefore the sites are not considered to be surplus to requirement.

Sport England consider that if the site is allocated a requirement for the allocation policy should state the playing fields (playing pitches and ancillary facilities) should not be developed upon until replacement provision is made in line with the requirements of NPPF paragraph 97(b) and Sport England's Playing Fields Policy.

In relation to the concept masterplans Sport England has previously advised the site promoter that the proposed sports hub site would represent a quantitative loss of playing field land, therefore it would not comply with national planning policy and Sport England policies relating to playing fields.

With regard to SMBC's illustrative emerging concept masterplan it is acknowledged that the site identified as Shirley Town FC is proposed to be retained. However, the retention of the site does not represent replacement provision as implied by the supporting text relating to concept masterplan.

Sport England and the relevant national governing bodies would welcome an opportunity to discuss the options for the replacement sporting provision with the Council and the site promoter.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 23 - Site 8 - Hampton Road

Representation ID: 8895

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

SE consider that the proposed policy allocating the site should include the following requirements:
- allocate the sports hub site
- playing fields (playing pitches and ancillary facilities) should not be developed upon until replacement provision is made in line with the requirements of NPPF paragraph 97(b) and SE Playing Fields Policy.
- State that the construction of the playing pitches, floodlighting and changing facilities should accord with SE and relevant NGB guidance.
- require a ball strike assessment should cricket site be retained

Site identified as a location for 3G pitch which should be catered for in the policy

Full text:

The proposed allocation contains playing field land which includes the current ground of Knowle Football Club and potentially the adjacent Knowle Village Cricket Club. The consultation document highlights that the Football Club is seeking to relocate in order to secure better facilities which provides an opportunity for residential development on the existing site. As part of the allocation a sports hub is proposed which the football and cricket club could be relocated to.

Sport England are supportive of the proposed sports hub site and consider that the proposed policy allocating the site should include the following requirements:
- Specifically allocate the sports hub site
- State that the playing fields (playing pitches and ancillary facilities) should not be developed upon until replacement provision is made in line with the requirements of NPPF paragraph 97(b) and Sport England's Playing Fields Policy.
- State that the construction of the playing pitches, floodlighting and changing facilities should accord with Sport England and relevant national governing bodies guidance.
- Reflect the requirements of NPPF paragraph 182 requiring a ball strike assessment to be undertaken should residential development come forward on the football club site but not on the cricket club site. The findings of the ball strike assessment should be implemented and maintained by the developer (unless of otherwise agreed by the Club following consultation with Sport England and the ECB). It is viewed that this is necessary as the proposed development could be at risk of ball strike which could prejudice the use of the cricket pitch.

It should be noted that the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy and the Football Foundation's Local Facilities Football Plan identify Knowle Football Club as one of two potential locations (other location is Arden Academy) for a 3G pitch to meet demand in the area. Therefore it is recommended that the allocation policy allows for the potential for a 3G pitch. Sport England and the relevant National Governing Bodies would welcome a discussion regarding the Sport Hub site to ensure that it will be fit for purpose and capable of meeting current and future demand.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 13 - Site 11 -The Green

Representation ID: 8902

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

As stated in the SMBC Emerging Concept Masterplan for site 11, 12 and 26 the proposed allocation of site could provide around 1900 homes which would require 11ha of public open space. Clarity is sought as to whether any playing pitches and ancillary provision will form part of the public open requirement to meet the demand generated from the new residents and to help address the shortfall in playing pitch provision as identified in the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy.

Full text:

As stated in the SMBC Emerging Concept Masterplan for site 11, 12 and 26 the proposed allocation of site could provide around 1900 homes which would require 11ha of public open space. Clarity is sought as to whether any playing pitches and ancillary provision will form part of the public open requirement to meet the demand generated from the new residents and to help address the shortfall in playing pitch provision as identified in the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 14 - Site 12 - Land South of Dog Kennel Lane

Representation ID: 8903

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

As stated in the SMBC Emerging Concept Masterplan for site 11, 12 and 26 the proposed allocation of site could provide around 1900 homes which would require 11ha of public open space. Clarity is sought as to whether any playing pitches and ancillary provision will form part of the public open requirement to meet the demand generated from the new residents and to help address the shortfall in playing pitch provision as identified in the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy.

Full text:

As stated in the SMBC Emerging Concept Masterplan for site 11, 12 and 26 the proposed allocation of site could provide around 1900 homes which would require 11ha of public open space. Clarity is sought as to whether any playing pitches and ancillary provision will form part of the public open requirement to meet the demand generated from the new residents and to help address the shortfall in playing pitch provision as identified in the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 15 - Site 26 - Whitlocks End Farm

Representation ID: 8905

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

As stated in the SMBC Emerging Concept Masterplan for site 11, 12 and 26 the proposed allocation of site could provide around 1900 homes which would require 11ha of public open space. Clarity is sought as to whether any playing pitches and ancillary provision will form part of the public open requirement to meet the demand generated from the new residents and to help address the shortfall in playing pitch provision as identified in the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy.

Full text:

As stated in the SMBC Emerging Concept Masterplan for site 11, 12 and 26 the proposed allocation of site could provide around 1900 homes which would require 11ha of public open space. Clarity is sought as to whether any playing pitches and ancillary provision will form part of the public open requirement to meet the demand generated from the new residents and to help address the shortfall in playing pitch provision as identified in the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 24 - Site 9 - Land South of Knowle

Representation ID: 8913

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

The proposed allocation contains Arden Academy which has an AGP and several playing pitches. The local plan consultation document and site allocations masterplans identify that the School could be relocated subject to a number of factors. Should the school be relocated the playing fields and the AGP should be replaced in line with the requirements of NPPF paragraph 97 and Sport England's Playing Fields Policy. The replacement playing pitches, AGP and ancillary facilities should be constructed in accordance with Sport England's and relevant National Governing Bodies guidance.

Full text:

The proposed allocation contains Arden Academy which has an AGP and several playing pitches. The local plan consultation document and site allocations masterplans identify that the School could be relocated subject to a number of factors. Should the school be relocated the playing fields and the AGP should be replaced in line with the requirements of NPPF paragraph 97 and Sport England's Playing Fields Policy. The replacement playing pitches, AGP and ancillary facilities should be constructed in accordance with Sport England's and relevant National Governing Bodies guidance.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 33 - Site 15 - Jenson House/Auckland Drive

Representation ID: 8916

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

The proposed allocation includes playing field land and the consultation document states that if lost as part of a development proposal would need to be mitigated. The SMBC illustrative emerging concept masterplan indicates that part of the playing field land will be lost with a junior football pitch being retained.

The allocation of this site is objected to as the playing field is not deemed to be surplus to requirement.

Site falls within the Birmingham and Solihull Local Delivery Pilot. Recent LDP consultation identifies that the playing field site provides an opportunity help achieve physical activity and community activism.

Full text:

The proposed allocation includes playing field land and the consultation document states that if lost as part of a development proposal would need to be mitigated. The SMBC illustrative emerging concept masterplan indicates that part of the playing field land will be lost with a junior football pitch being retained.

The allocation of this site is objected to as the playing field is not deemed to be surplus to requirement with the Playing Pitch Strategy identifying current and future shortfalls. It should also be noted that the site falls within the Birmingham and Solihull Local Delivery Pilot which seeks to demonstrate a significant shift in physical activity and community activism, so that people become more physically and socially active. At a recent consultation event it is understood that the resident wish to reclaim the open space to help achieve the shift in physical activity and therefore any masterplan for the site should engage with the local community and the Local Delivery Pilot.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 26 - Site 16 - East of Solihull

Representation ID: 8918

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

Sport England are supportive of the retention of the site and this should be reflected in the policy allocating the site. The opportunity to extend the site should also be explored.

If it is decided that the site is to be re-provided Sport England and the Football Foundation would welcome a discussion to understand the location and the potential impact on the adjacent clubs; Hampton FC and Glades FC.

If the playing field is to be re provided the policy allocating the site should meet the requirements of NPPF paragraph 97(b) and Sport England's Playing Fields Policy.

Full text:

The allocation contains playing field land occupied by Coldlands Colts Boys FC which is proposed to retained or re provided elsewhere. The SMBC illustrative emerging concept masterplan retains the playing pitches which is supported. Sport England are supportive of the retention of the site and this should be reflected in the policy allocating the site. The opportunity to extend the site should also be explored.

If it is decided that the site is to be re-provided Sport England and the Football Foundation would welcome a discussion to understand the location and the potential impact on the adjacent clubs; Hampton FC and Glades FC.

If the playing field is to be re provided the policy allocating the site should state that the playing fields (playing pitches and ancillary facilities) should not be developed upon until replacement provision is made in line with the requirements of NPPF paragraph 97(b) and Sport England's Playing Fields Policy.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 28 - Site 18 - Sharmans Cross Road

Representation ID: 8920

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

The proposed allocation is the former site of Birmingham and Solihull RUFC which previously contained two rugby pitches and associated changing rooms/clubhouse. The consultation document states that compensation for the loss of playing pitches will be required. Sport England agrees that mitigation would be required and this requirement should be incorporated with the policy that allocates the site. The appropriate mitigation provided should be reinvested in rugby union facilities across the Borough to help meet the deficits outlined in the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy.

The design of the site should not prejudice the use of the adjacent tennis club.

Full text:

The proposed allocation is the former site of Birmingham and Solihull RUFC which previously contained two rugby pitches and associated changing rooms/clubhouse. The consultation document states that compensation for the loss of playing pitches will be required. Sport England agrees that mitigation would be required and this requirement should be incorporated with the policy that allocates the site. The appropriate mitigation provided should be reinvested in rugby union facilities across the Borough to help meet the deficits outlined in the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy.

It should be noted that the design of the site should not prejudice the use of the adjacent tennis club.

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