Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Local Housing Need

Representation ID: 7876

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

No exceptional circumstances to justify the Council using an alternative approach to the Government's standard methodology.
This figure is only the minimum starting point. Any ambitions to support economic growth, to deliver affordable housing and to meet unmet housing needs from elsewhere are additional to the local housing need figure.
No clear justification for 2,000 dwellings as the chosen figure for Solihull's contribution to the HMA shortfall.

Full text:

please refer to supporting document March 2019 Persimmon Reps Draft Solihull LPR


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Site Selection Methodology

Representation ID: 7878

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

The Council should also provide maximum flexibility within its overall housing land supply to respond to changing circumstances, to treat the housing requirement as a minimum rather than a maximum and to provide choice and competition in the land market.
Housing delivery is maximised where a wide mix of sites provides choice for consumers, allows places to grow in sustainable ways and creates opportunities to diversify the construction sector.

Full text:

Please see attached document March 2019 Persimmon Reps Draft Solihull LPR


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 11 - Infrastructure Requirements at Blythe

Representation ID: 7879

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

Comments Site Promoter of CFS130 in Site 4:
- Ideally located for pedestrian and cycling connectivity improvements
- Further enhance traffic calming on Tythe Barn Lane
- Can provide sufficient off-street parking
- S106 contributions to Tidbury Green primary school
- Potential financial contributions to health services
- Will not require replacement of sports facilities
- Opportunity to provide public open space, play areas and green infrastructure
- Green Belt enhancements possible
- Potential CIL
- Can deliver much needed affordable housing

Full text:

Please see attached document 'March 2019 Tythe Barn Lane Dickens Heath Site Deliverability'


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 12 - Site 4 - Land West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 7881

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

Site promoters of parcel CFS130 of Site 4:
- Site is available for development now, without the need to relocate existing uses or demolish existing buildings
- Site capacity up to 150 dwellings.
- Development would provide improved pedestrian linkages to
Whitlock's End rail station
- Existing field and hedgerow boundary can be retained
- Can provide SUDS
- Retention and improvement of existing green corridors
- Opportunities to improve the local highway network
- Opportunities to enhance the canal side setting
- Delivery of high quality housing and much needed affordable market and social housing for the local area.

Full text:

Please see attached document March 2019 Tythe Barn Lane Dickens Heath Site Deliverability


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 36 - Washed Over Green Belt Settlements Review

Representation ID: 7882

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

Any review of other areas of the Borough washed over by Green Belt should be undertaken in accordance with 2019 NPPF (para 139).

Full text:

Any review of other areas of the Borough washed over by Green Belt should be undertaken in accordance with 2019 NPPF (para 139).


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 37 - Compensatory Provision for removal of land from Green Belt.

Representation ID: 7883

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

Any compensatory provision made for land removed from the Green Belt should be determined in accordance with the 2019 NPPF (para 137).

Full text:

Any compensatory provision made for land removed from the Green Belt should be determined in accordance with the 2019 NPPF (para 137).


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 40 - Affordable Housing Approach

Representation ID: 7885

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

The Council's proposed approach is confused.
The Council is attempting to deal with identified issues associated with market housing mix including more smaller market dwellings, increasing housing densities on all sites and minimising release of Green Belt land via an alternative approach to affordable housing contributions. These matters are separate and should not be co-joined.
No justifying evidence for proposed alternative approach.
It is noted that the wording of Question 40 states a requirement for affordable housing contributions on the total square meterage or habitable rooms/floorspace.
Proposal would not comply with Written Ministerial Statement 28.11.14 of Para.64 of NPPF.

Full text:

Please see attached document March 2019 Persimmon Reps Draft Solihull LPR


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 41 - Affordable Housing calculation

Representation ID: 7886

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

The calculation of affordable housing contributions on bedroom numbers, habitable rooms or habitable square meterage are not considered an effective nor appropriate approach.
It is standard practice that affordable housing contributions are calculated on the basis of numbers of units.
The Council's proposed alternative approach will not provide the necessary certainty for developers or decision makers with regard to its implementation.
Alternative approach will cause difficulties in viability negotiations.
Council not provided viability evidence to justify alternative approach.

Full text:

Please see attached document March 2019 Persimmon Reps Draft Solihull LPR


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 42 - Best way of measuring developable space

Representation ID: 7887

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

It is an inappropriate approach irrespective of the way used to measure developable space (see answers to Questions 40 & 41 above).

Full text:

It is an inappropriate approach irrespective of the way used to measure developable space (see answers to Questions 40 & 41 above).


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 43 - What measures would incent developers

Representation ID: 7889

Received: 13/03/2019

Respondent: Persimmon Homes Central

Representation Summary:

All households should have access to different types of dwellings to meet their housing needs.
Market signals are important in determining the size and type of homes needed. When planning for an acceptable mix of dwellings types to meet people's housing needs the Council should focus on ensuring that there are appropriate sites allocated to meet the needs of specifically identified groups of households such as families, older people and / or self-build rather than setting a specific housing mix on individual sites.

Full text:

All households should have access to different types of dwellings to meet their housing needs. Market signals are important in determining the size and type of homes needed. When planning for an acceptable mix of dwellings types to meet people's housing needs the Council should focus on ensuring that there are appropriate sites allocated to meet the needs of specifically identified groups of households such as families, older people and / or self-build rather than setting a specific housing mix on individual sites. The Council should ensure that suitable sites are available for a wide range of types of developments across a wide choice of appropriate locations (see answer to Question 2).

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