Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Local Housing Need

Representation ID: 9715

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Avison Young

Representation Summary:

Agree with approach of applying the Standard Method for calculating housing need for the Plan period.
Should note the Government seeks to review in next 18 months, which may impact housing figure.
In order to ensure Draft Local Plan is found sound, LPA must agree on robust mechanism to secure meeting unmet need in HMA.
Evidence for assumptions on housing supply, urban capacity including densities and windfall provision will need to kept up-to-date.

Full text:

see attached documents


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Site Selection Methodology

Representation ID: 9716

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Avison Young

Representation Summary:

The Council's approach under Step 1 - Site Hierarchy Criteria - is considered appropriate and compliant with NPPF.
Considered appropriate to seek land for housing in low performing Green Belt due to evidence in SHELAA on lack of supply on non-Green Belt sites.
Agree that DLP Site 16 is a Priority 5 site and suitable for Green Belt release as it lies within a parcel of low-performance Green Belt with strong, defensible boundaries and is proximate to the facilities and services of Solihull town centre.

Full text:

see attached documents


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 25 - Infrastructure Requirements at Solihull/Mature Suburbs

Representation ID: 9717

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Avison Young

Representation Summary:

Important that IDP is based on up-to-date and robust evidence to provide clarity for developers and ensure S106 contributions are CIL-compliant.
For Site 16, infrastructure delivery will be focused on delivering improvements to promote access and connectivity between the site and the town centre, and by achieving a policy-compliant level of affordable housing on site.
Subject to appropriate highway evidence being assessed at planning application stage, off-site improvement works to which contributions could be made include those that are planned at Yew Tree Lane/A41/Hampton Lane signalised junction, as highlighted in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Full text:

see attached documents


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 26 - Site 16 - East of Solihull

Representation ID: 9718

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Avison Young

Representation Summary:

Agree Council has adhered to an NPPF compliant approach in selecting Site 16.
Site 16 will allow Solihull to expand in proportionate manner.
Vision Document submitted with representation:
Will provide policy-compliant level of affordable housing
Reaffirm status of Site 16 as suitable, available and achievable.
Landscape sensitivity can be mitigated, no flood risk, no statutory or local wildlife designations, no known contamination, no significant impact to heritage assets.
Site enjoys good accessibility, within walking distance to bus services.
St Philips submitted Masterplan:
Would retain playing pitches, provide 600 dwellings, access off Pinfold Lane.
Site could be built out between 2022-2028.

Full text:

see attached documents

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