Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 24 - Site 9 - Land South of Knowle

Representation ID: 8504

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Arden Academy & Mr V Goswami

Agent: Urban Vision Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

This representation is made on behalf of the governors of Arden School, Station Road, Knowle, and Mr Ved Goswami. We firmly support the proposed allocation of Site 9 for housing and associated infrastructure, to include a new Arden Centre for Community Learning (ACCL). We therefore support Concept Masterplan Option 2 in principle, but with the caveat that the site presents the scope to realise a greater overall housing capacity than the estimated total of 600 dwellings assumed. This will be essential in order to make Option 2 commercially viable.
Arden School Governors aspire to create a new Arden Centre for Community Learning.
Rationale for redevelopment:
Bulk of premises no longer fit for purpose
Hindering students' potential for attainment and wider community use
Patchwork of development on site from previous extensions.
Renovations no longer possible
Updating current site would take 10 years, and cost £18M, which is not financially viable
Parts of building over 50 years old
Not energy efficient to heat, costs an additional £100K/year to run.
Site at capacity, insufficient school facilities and in poor condition in areas
ACCL will provide new community facilities such as gym, pool, private nursery, potential new primary school, recreation areas, multi-games area, drama/music rooms etc.
Option 2 is only viable option.

Full text:

This representation is made on behalf of the governors of Arden School, Station Road, Knowle, and Mr Ved Goswami. We firmly support the proposed allocation of Site 9 for housing and associated infrastructure, to include a new Arden Centre for Community Learning (ACCL). We therefore support Concept Masterplan Option 2 in principle, but with the caveat that the site presents the scope to realise a greater overall housing capacity than the estimated total of 600 dwellings assumed. This will be essential in order to make Option 2 commercially viable. The document attached provides further details.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 44 Are there any other comments

Representation ID: 10558

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Arden Academy & Mr V Goswami

Agent: Urban Vision Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

The inclusion of BLR 024 in the list suggests one of two scenarios:
Either 1) that the site is not considered to form part of the Site 9 allocation;
Or 2) that there is no intention to allow a more appropriate capacity to be assigned as part of the allocation, contrary to the statement in paragraph 438.
Inclusion of site in the concept masterplan would increase capacity on Site 9.

Full text:

This representation is made on behalf of the governors of Arden School, Station Road, Knowle, and Mr Ved Goswami. We firmly support the proposed allocation of Site 9 for housing and associated infrastructure, to include a new Arden Centre for Community Learning (ACCL). We therefore support Concept Masterplan Option 2 in principle, but with the caveat that the site presents the scope to realise a greater overall housing capacity than the estimated total of 600 dwellings assumed. This will be essential in order to make Option 2 commercially viable. The document attached provides further details.

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