Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 3 - Infrastructure Requirements at Balsall Common

Representation ID: 9227

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Colchurch Properties Ltd

Agent: Richard Brown Planning

Representation Summary:

On the basis of these representations, we agree with the infrastructure requirements, in particular the delivery of the By-pass and it is clear that the Barratt's Farm Site has a key role in delivering this element, to the significant benefit of the wider settlement

Full text:

See Letters 1&2



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 4 - Site 1 - Barratts Farm

Representation ID: 9228

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Colchurch Properties Ltd

Agent: Richard Brown Planning

Representation Summary:

The Barratt's Farm site should be included as an allocated site for all the reasons set out in these representations. It is essential to the future sustainable growth and development of Balsall Common and can contribute significantly to the needs of the settlement going forward.

The settlement is a sustainable location and the site relates well to the settlement, in accordance with NPPF 138. The settlement needs an appropriate quantum of growth to meet its future needs and maintain the existing services by virtue of additional population.

The development will not adversely impact upon the setting and special character of Balsall Common as a historic town or settlement as set out in the Green Belt Assessment.

Full text:

See Letters 1&2



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 10 - Green Belt Changes

Representation ID: 10485

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Colchurch Properties Ltd

Agent: Richard Brown Planning

Representation Summary:

As mentioned the land between the current Draft Allocation eastern boundary and Kenilworth Greenway has the potential to deliver, post HS2, another 250 units (approx.) as part of a comprehensively masterplanned development for Barratt's Farm. As such, it should be usefully included within the Draft Allocation at this point and removed from the Green Belt.
Mindful of meeting the needs of the wider HMA and an uplift to the housing requirement for Solihull it is considered that the inclusion of additional land between the current Draft Allocation eastern boundary and Kenilworth Greenway is an appropriate and logical location to meet additional housing needs in Solihull and Balsall Common through a comprehensive and sustainable development.

Full text:

See Letters 1&2


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