Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 11 - Infrastructure Requirements at Blythe

Representation ID: 7000

Received: 04/03/2019

Respondent: Akamba Heritage Centre

Representation Summary:

Demand for places at oversubscribed Dickens Heath School
The sports fields are liable to flooding most years and would exacerbate the flooding problem to neighbouring properties. The Site consists of deep boulder clay which does not drain well and dwellings would need to be built on deep piles.
Extra people/traffic will exacerbate congestion through the Dickens Heath Village, on the A34 and surrounding roads especially at peak times.
Demands on already crowded local rail services and inadequate parking at the station and Village centre.

Full text:

Adverse impacts of developing this Site for housing would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of providing houses near a railway station when there are other sites in the Solihull area that are of a lower grade of Green Belt with lesser adverse impacts and are in a more sustainable location.
Impact on the function of high performing Green Belt status of land will be lost which is contrary to Government Policy; there would be coalescence between Dickens Heath, Whitlock End, Majors Green and Bromsgrove District.
Extra people/traffic will exacerbate congestion through the Dickens Heath Village, on the A34 and surrounding roads especially at peak times.
Demands on already crowded local rail services and inadequate parking at the station and Village centre.
Loss of sports grounds/recreation areas for 9 clubs which is contrary to Government Policy.
Loss of Village character that makes it attractive. The award winning design & concept of Dickens Heath is of a new village surrounded by Green Belt with no part more than 800 m / 10 mins walk from village centre - Site 4 housing proposals are beyond this circle. Any proposals to make a footpath onto Birchy Close would be strongly resisted by the residents. Therefore the location of Site 4 is unsustainable: not linked to Dickens Heath (no physical connection by road or cycleway or footpath) and outside the 800 m circle from the village centre. There are existing natural boundaries to the Village - canal to east and north, line of woodland (Ancient woodland, LNR) on west side and this proposal will be out on a limb detracting from the character of the Village.
Impact on landscape character; within an area of high sensitivity.
Tithe Barn Wood is a most significant Ancient Woodland in Solihull south of main urban area. The ancient woodland is likely to require a suitable semi-natural buffer which, together with the ancient hedgerows, will reduce the areas of development.
The development would have a significant adverse impact on the ecology of the area, which has 4 Local Wildlife Sites, affecting the ecological connectivity of the area. Also potential for loss of habitats that support legally protected species including great crested newts, badger setts and bat roosts.
The sports fields are liable to flooding most years and would exacerbate the flooding problem to neighbouring properties. The Site consists of deep boulder clay which does not drain well and dwellings would need to be built on deep piles.
90% of respondents to Dickens Heath Parish Council survey objected to Sites 4.
The Akamba Garden Centre should be retained. As owner of this establishment I welcome the indication of the Akamba site as retained in the Illustrative Emerging Concept Masterplan, which is a local employer and acts as a community hub for social interaction.
Demand for places at oversubscribed Dickens Heath School
Dickens Heath and Tidbury Green has already taken its 'fair share' of development during the last Local Plan allocations.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 12 - Site 4 - Land West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 7002

Received: 04/03/2019

Respondent: Akamba Heritage Centre

Representation Summary:

Adverse impacts of developing the site do not outweigh the benefits of providing houses near a railway station.
Loss of high performing Green Belt and coalescence with neighbouring areas.
Loss of sports grounds/recreation areas.
Loss of Village character, contrary to the original concept of Dickens Heath. Unsustainable site: not linked to Dickens Heath and out on a limb.
Impact on landscape character.
Ancient woodland requires suitable semi-natural buffer.
Adverse impact on ecology and potential loss of habitats of legally protected species.
Welcome retention of Akamba Garden Centre.
The area has already taken its 'fair share' of development during recent years.

Full text:

Adverse impacts of developing this Site for housing would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of providing houses near a railway station when there are other sites in the Solihull area that are of a lower grade of Green Belt with lesser adverse impacts and are in a more sustainable location.
Impact on the function of high performing Green Belt status of land will be lost which is contrary to Government Policy; there would be coalescence between Dickens Heath, Whitlock End, Majors Green and Bromsgrove District.
Extra people/traffic will exacerbate congestion through the Dickens Heath Village, on the A34 and surrounding roads especially at peak times.
Demands on already crowded local rail services and inadequate parking at the station and Village centre.
Loss of sports grounds/recreation areas for 9 clubs which is contrary to Government Policy.
Loss of Village character that makes it attractive. The award winning design & concept of Dickens Heath is of a new village surrounded by Green Belt with no part more than 800 m / 10 mins walk from village centre - Site 4 housing proposals are beyond this circle. Any proposals to make a footpath onto Birchy Close would be strongly resisted by the residents. Therefore the location of Site 4 is unsustainable: not linked to Dickens Heath (no physical connection by road or cycleway or footpath) and outside the 800 m circle from the village centre. There are existing natural boundaries to the Village - canal to east and north, line of woodland (Ancient woodland, LNR) on west side and this proposal will be out on a limb detracting from the character of the Village.
Impact on landscape character; within an area of high sensitivity.
Tithe Barn Wood is a most significant Ancient Woodland in Solihull south of main urban area. The ancient woodland is likely to require a suitable semi-natural buffer which, together with the ancient hedgerows, will reduce the areas of development.
The development would have a significant adverse impact on the ecology of the area, which has 4 Local Wildlife Sites, affecting the ecological connectivity of the area. Also potential for loss of habitats that support legally protected species including great crested newts, badger setts and bat roosts.
The sports fields are liable to flooding most years and would exacerbate the flooding problem to neighbouring properties. The Site consists of deep boulder clay which does not drain well and dwellings would need to be built on deep piles.
90% of respondents to Dickens Heath Parish Council survey objected to Sites 4.
The Akamba Garden Centre should be retained. As owner of this establishment I welcome the indication of the Akamba site as retained in the Illustrative Emerging Concept Masterplan, which is a local employer and acts as a community hub for social interaction.
Demand for places at oversubscribed Dickens Heath School
Dickens Heath and Tidbury Green has already taken its 'fair share' of development during the last Local Plan allocations.

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