Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 12 - Site 4 - Land West of Dickens Heath
Representation ID: 7848
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: Star Planning and Development
Support. Site well-served by public transport including Whitlocks End station. Richborough Estates will continue to work with Council to bring forward allocation, and refine concept masterplan. Capacity of the proposed allocation is greater than suggested in consultation, realistically around 600-650 dwellings, if development makes effective and efficient use of land.
Will also seek to agree relocation of sports facilities to an equivalent or better standard of provision for local sports clubs and the public. Should recognise need for clear strategy for enhancing sports provision to meet growth needs, and explore capacity within neighbouring allocations and at former Site 13.
6. Richborough Estates is supportive of the removal of land to the west of Dickens Heath and its allocation for residential purposes (Site 4). The location of the site on the edge of a settlement already excluded from the Green Belt reflects the National Planning Policy Framework's locational requirements. Further, it is evident that the land west of Dickens Heath is in a location which meets the Framework's policy that consideration should first be given to sites that are well-served by public transport. The allocation is located adjacent to Whitlocks End railway station which has 3 services per hour to Birmingham and Stratford-upon-Avon. There is also an existing bus service to Shirley and Solihull which can be augmented.
7. Richborough Estates remains committed to working with the Borough Council, Dickens Heath Parish Council and other stakeholders to bring forward the land west of Dickens Heath for development in the most appropriate manner. There are refinements to the draft Concept Masterplan which would be beneficial to place making and accessibility, including links towards the village centre of Dickens Heath, the railway station and traffic calming measures.
8. Even without the refinements, it is noted that based upon the draft Concept Masterplans document the indicative capacity is stated to be around 350 dwellings. Taking the areas shown for housing, and accounting for lower and medium densities, the capacity of the allocation could realistically be circa 600-650 dwellings. If land is to be removed from the Green Belt then it is both logical and sensible to ensue that any development makes effective and efficient use of the land. We would encourage the Council to re-visit and review the stated capacity of this site on this basis.
9. As part of continued positive and proactive working with Solihull MBC, Richborough Estates will seek to discuss the future sports provision in the Borough, to ensure that there is an equivalent or better standard of provision for local sports clubs and the public. The delivery of these facilities will be agreed through future discussions with Solihull MBC and other stakeholders.
10. To inform this approach the Council should identify a clear strategy for delivering sports provision aligned to the growth proposed in the plan, recognising the fact that land could be allocated for such purposes in the Plan. The wider capacity of neighbouring allocations should be considered in the round, and the prospect of allocating the former 'Site 13' land south of Shirley should also be explored given Solihull MBC's ownership.