Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Local Housing Need

Representation ID: 10166

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Agent: Lichfields

Representation Summary:

Agree broad approach taken to identify OAN for the Borough and assessments undertaken of the alternatives for delivering new homes on brownfield land. Agree that the housing need cannot be achieved from brownfield land alone.
Note the assessment of the Green Belt in the Borough to
identify those areas/sites which do not perform as strongly in terms of the functions of the Green Belt.
In line with the guidance in paragraphs 136 and 137 of the NPPF, it is agreed that there are exceptional circumstances to alter the Green Belt boundaries in order to allow for further housing growth.

Full text:

We write on behalf of our client Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd (TW), with regards to the Supplementary Consultation document and Concept Masterplan for Site 12
.As you are aware, Taylor Wimpey own much of the land in the Proposed Housing Allocation 12 South of Dog Kennel Lane, Shirley. Taylor Wimpey therefore fully support the allocation of the site for residential development and can confirm that housing development at this site is deliverable. The site is well located to
shops, employment, public transport and schools and is therefore in a highly sustainable location.
To support the allocation and to demonstrate how this can deliver a new sustainable community, we include an updated Development Statement for Site 12 (Appendix 1) prepared on behalf of Taylor Wimpey. This clearly sets out how a masterplan for this site, prepared for Taylor Wimpey, has evolved to address all of the constraints and opportunities. In addition, the following technical reports have been provided in support of the allocation:
* Ecology Technical Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 2)
* Green Belt Position Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 3)
* Flood Risk Scoping Note prepared by BWB Consulting (Appendix 4)
* Transport Report prepared by Vectos (Appendix 5)
The Heritage Assessment will be finalised on receipt of the SMBC report currently being prepared.
Overall, we consider that a housing allocation at this site could deliver in the order of 1,200 new homes together with associated social and physical infrastructure and public open space within a well landscaped and high quality designed masterplan.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Site Selection Methodology

Representation ID: 10167

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Agent: Lichfields

Representation Summary:

Agree with approach taken by the Council to identify suitable sites for development. It is right to first consider brownfield sites and to then other accessible and sustainable locations, as required by paragraph 138 of NPPF.
Agree Step 2 conclusions for Site 122, but not fully with comments on accessibility and landscape. Accessibility comments not consistent with positive findings in Interim SA (January 2017). LCA not fully relevant to Site 122 as it covers much larger area, does not assess specific capacity levels, and includes landscape sensitivities and value not relevant to site.

Full text:

We write on behalf of our client Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd (TW), with regards to the Supplementary Consultation document and Concept Masterplan for Site 12
.As you are aware, Taylor Wimpey own much of the land in the Proposed Housing Allocation 12 South of Dog Kennel Lane, Shirley. Taylor Wimpey therefore fully support the allocation of the site for residential development and can confirm that housing development at this site is deliverable. The site is well located to
shops, employment, public transport and schools and is therefore in a highly sustainable location.
To support the allocation and to demonstrate how this can deliver a new sustainable community, we include an updated Development Statement for Site 12 (Appendix 1) prepared on behalf of Taylor Wimpey. This clearly sets out how a masterplan for this site, prepared for Taylor Wimpey, has evolved to address all of the constraints and opportunities. In addition, the following technical reports have been provided in support of the allocation:
* Ecology Technical Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 2)
* Green Belt Position Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 3)
* Flood Risk Scoping Note prepared by BWB Consulting (Appendix 4)
* Transport Report prepared by Vectos (Appendix 5)
The Heritage Assessment will be finalised on receipt of the SMBC report currently being prepared.
Overall, we consider that a housing allocation at this site could deliver in the order of 1,200 new homes together with associated social and physical infrastructure and public open space within a well landscaped and high quality designed masterplan.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 11 - Infrastructure Requirements at Blythe

Representation ID: 10168

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Agent: Lichfields

Representation Summary:

Acknowledge need for improvements to public transport, a new primary school, and if assessed as needed, new health facilities. Supportive of provision of mix of market and affordable housing and range of types and sizes of homes, subject to meeting demand and not saturating the market.

Full text:

We write on behalf of our client Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd (TW), with regards to the Supplementary Consultation document and Concept Masterplan for Site 12
.As you are aware, Taylor Wimpey own much of the land in the Proposed Housing Allocation 12 South of Dog Kennel Lane, Shirley. Taylor Wimpey therefore fully support the allocation of the site for residential development and can confirm that housing development at this site is deliverable. The site is well located to
shops, employment, public transport and schools and is therefore in a highly sustainable location.
To support the allocation and to demonstrate how this can deliver a new sustainable community, we include an updated Development Statement for Site 12 (Appendix 1) prepared on behalf of Taylor Wimpey. This clearly sets out how a masterplan for this site, prepared for Taylor Wimpey, has evolved to address all of the constraints and opportunities. In addition, the following technical reports have been provided in support of the allocation:
* Ecology Technical Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 2)
* Green Belt Position Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 3)
* Flood Risk Scoping Note prepared by BWB Consulting (Appendix 4)
* Transport Report prepared by Vectos (Appendix 5)
The Heritage Assessment will be finalised on receipt of the SMBC report currently being prepared.
Overall, we consider that a housing allocation at this site could deliver in the order of 1,200 new homes together with associated social and physical infrastructure and public open space within a well landscaped and high quality designed masterplan.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 14 - Site 12 - Land South of Dog Kennel Lane

Representation ID: 10169

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Agent: Lichfields

Representation Summary:

Agree that site should be allocated for housing and that it could deliver in the order of 1,200 dwellings, commencing early in Plan period.

Concept masterplan
Green belt boundary should not be defined by new road but use existing physical features such as Tanworth Lane and a combination of landform, vegetation and field boundaries. Agree importance of GI links through site, and provision of country park. Recognise importance of listed building and need to balance development and setting. Seek flexibility on school location. Propose network of walking/cycling routes and provision of priority junctions along Dog Kennel Lane.

Full text:

We write on behalf of our client Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd (TW), with regards to the Supplementary Consultation document and Concept Masterplan for Site 12
.As you are aware, Taylor Wimpey own much of the land in the Proposed Housing Allocation 12 South of Dog Kennel Lane, Shirley. Taylor Wimpey therefore fully support the allocation of the site for residential development and can confirm that housing development at this site is deliverable. The site is well located to
shops, employment, public transport and schools and is therefore in a highly sustainable location.
To support the allocation and to demonstrate how this can deliver a new sustainable community, we include an updated Development Statement for Site 12 (Appendix 1) prepared on behalf of Taylor Wimpey. This clearly sets out how a masterplan for this site, prepared for Taylor Wimpey, has evolved to address all of the constraints and opportunities. In addition, the following technical reports have been provided in support of the allocation:
* Ecology Technical Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 2)
* Green Belt Position Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 3)
* Flood Risk Scoping Note prepared by BWB Consulting (Appendix 4)
* Transport Report prepared by Vectos (Appendix 5)
The Heritage Assessment will be finalised on receipt of the SMBC report currently being prepared.
Overall, we consider that a housing allocation at this site could deliver in the order of 1,200 new homes together with associated social and physical infrastructure and public open space within a well landscaped and high quality designed masterplan.


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 40 - Affordable Housing Approach

Representation ID: 10170

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Taylor Wimpey

Agent: Lichfields

Representation Summary:

While Taylor Wimpey are supportive of SMBC's ambition to increase the delivery of affordable housing, it is not considered that changing the way affordable housing is calculated in any of the ways suggested is a practical and workable solution. Taylor Wimpey are of the view that affordable housing should be calculated by a proportion (40%) of the number of units being proposed. The type and size of housing provided for both private sale and affordable housing should instead reflect market demand and local need.

Full text:

We write on behalf of our client Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd (TW), with regards to the Supplementary Consultation document and Concept Masterplan for Site 12
.As you are aware, Taylor Wimpey own much of the land in the Proposed Housing Allocation 12 South of Dog Kennel Lane, Shirley. Taylor Wimpey therefore fully support the allocation of the site for residential development and can confirm that housing development at this site is deliverable. The site is well located to
shops, employment, public transport and schools and is therefore in a highly sustainable location.
To support the allocation and to demonstrate how this can deliver a new sustainable community, we include an updated Development Statement for Site 12 (Appendix 1) prepared on behalf of Taylor Wimpey. This clearly sets out how a masterplan for this site, prepared for Taylor Wimpey, has evolved to address all of the constraints and opportunities. In addition, the following technical reports have been provided in support of the allocation:
* Ecology Technical Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 2)
* Green Belt Position Note prepared by EDP (Appendix 3)
* Flood Risk Scoping Note prepared by BWB Consulting (Appendix 4)
* Transport Report prepared by Vectos (Appendix 5)
The Heritage Assessment will be finalised on receipt of the SMBC report currently being prepared.
Overall, we consider that a housing allocation at this site could deliver in the order of 1,200 new homes together with associated social and physical infrastructure and public open space within a well landscaped and high quality designed masterplan.

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