Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Local Housing Need
Representation ID: 8522
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Kier Living Ltd - Coleshill Road
Agent: Nexus Planning
Solihull should accommodate larger portion of Birmingham City's unmet needs than currently providing for and make more significant contribution to the West Midland Combined Authority's regional housing requirement (see WM Housing Package). Using standard methodology, Birmingham shortfall is 20,444 (37,900 in Plan) and HMA only providing 10,130 (SGS). Borough well-placed to provide for Birmingham needs and has accommodated 28% of net migration from City. Plan should accommodate 5,723 (10,612) of unmet HMA needs.
WM Housing Package requires 215,000 new homes by 2031. Proportionate to standard methodology, Solihull contribution should be 7% or 15,050, so need more complex/higher than suggested.
Please see attached document
Kier Living own the majority of 'Land at the Rear of 74 - 108 Coleshill Heath Road', as it is referred to within the Solihull Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment 2016 ("SHELAA")
(site ref. 193). This site has been promoted through the Call for Sites process (with a submission made in January 2018) and through the initial Regulation 18 consultation.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 31 - Infrastructure Requirements at North Solihull/Marston Green/Castle Bromwich
Representation ID: 8523
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Kier Living Ltd - Coleshill Road
Agent: Nexus Planning
Call for Sites reference 341 is designated as a Green Space Site within the Solihull Local Plan (December 2013) and within the Draft Local Plan Review Proposal Map (November 2016). However, land not secured through respective applications and transferred to private ownership. No mechanism to secure public access, and visual amenity value limited and will be constrained further if permission for Medical Centre granted. Loss of open space proposal would not adversely affect supply of open space and would be clearly outweighed by benefits of housing contributing to Borough need.
Please see attached document
Kier Living own the majority of 'Land at the Rear of 74 - 108 Coleshill Heath Road', as it is referred to within the Solihull Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment 2016 ("SHELAA")
(site ref. 193). This site has been promoted through the Call for Sites process (with a submission made in January 2018) and through the initial Regulation 18 consultation.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 24 - Site 9 - Land South of Knowle
Representation ID: 8524
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Kier Living Ltd - Coleshill Road
Agent: Nexus Planning
SHELAA housing trajectory demonstrates that Council is relying on a number of large-scale strategic allocations to deliver dwellings early in the Emerging Plan period. Site 9 comprises 9 separate areas/ownerships with no indication consortium or agreement formed. SHELAA identifies 50% of site constrained by contaminated land/landfill site and unclear that this could be remediated to deliver development within 5 years. Decision on possible relocation of Arden Academy an added complication. Plan should require site-wide masterplan/development brief to be approved before applications made. Without agreement, high risk that 400 dwellings will not be delivered in first 5 years.
Please see attached document
Kier Living own the majority of 'Land at the Rear of 74 - 108 Coleshill Heath Road', as it is referred to within the Solihull Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment 2016 ("SHELAA")
(site ref. 193). This site has been promoted through the Call for Sites process (with a submission made in January 2018) and through the initial Regulation 18 consultation.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 26 - Site 16 - East of Solihull
Representation ID: 8525
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Kier Living Ltd - Coleshill Road
Agent: Nexus Planning
SHELAA housing trajectory demonstrates that Council is relying on a number of large-scale strategic allocations to deliver dwellings early in the Emerging Plan period. Site 16 comprises 5 separate site submissions/ownerships with no indication consortium or agreement formed. Site subject to constraints including heritage assets, notable wildlife habitats and significant trees. Plan should require site-wide masterplan/development brief to be approved before applications made. Without agreement, unlikely that 400 dwellings will be delivered in first 5 years. High risk that significant proportion of 5 year housing requirement will not be delivered.
Please see attached document
Kier Living own the majority of 'Land at the Rear of 74 - 108 Coleshill Heath Road', as it is referred to within the Solihull Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment 2016 ("SHELAA")
(site ref. 193). This site has been promoted through the Call for Sites process (with a submission made in January 2018) and through the initial Regulation 18 consultation.
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 39 - Red Sites
Representation ID: 8526
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Kier Living Ltd - Coleshill Road
Agent: Nexus Planning
Site 341 should be re-assessed as green and allocated in Plan for housing. Evidence in Green Belt Assessment, SHELAA, Sustainability Appraisal and Site Assessment indicates site performs very well and only rejected as would narrow green belt gap between Marston Green and Chelmsley Wood, though this conflicts with GBA and site assessment. Site deliverable within 5 years, will off-set shortfall on adjoining site, and would provide policy compliant housing mix, open space and overlooking of linear park.
Please see attached document
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 44 Are there any other comments
Representation ID: 8527
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Kier Living Ltd - Coleshill Road
Agent: Nexus Planning
Call for Sites reference 341 meets the exceptions to restricting development of sites designated as open space outlined within Policy P20 of the adopted Solihull Local Plan (2013).
Please see attached document
Kier Living own the majority of 'Land at the Rear of 74 - 108 Coleshill Heath Road', as it is referred to within the Solihull Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment 2016 ("SHELAA")
(site ref. 193). This site has been promoted through the Call for Sites process (with a submission made in January 2018) and through the initial Regulation 18 consultation.