Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 9 - Site 23 - Lavender Hall Farm
Representation ID: 8761
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Countryside Properties (UK)
Supports inclusion of site. Identification as a green site falling within priority 3 of site selection methodology is justified and fully supported. Land to the rear of LHF forms a small parcel of Green Belt that would be impacted by HS2. Site comprises of Brownfield land that is on the Brownfield land register. Site is enclosed by west coast mainline & in the future HS2- clearly defined features
No functional reason why the land should remain Green Belt
Balsall Common is identified as an excellent location for growth, as a sustainable settlement, offering a range of facilities and is well served by public transport links. Supportive of approach to amend green belt boundary.
Land offers opportunity to provide wide range of homes including a substantial proportion of affordable homes. Development of site for a minimum of 60 dwellings is supported however greater degree of flexibility should be given to the number of dwellings to ensure efficient use of site. Masterplan currently shows a mix of low and medium housing rather than higher density to recognise sites changing context with HS2 which will greatly alter the sites immediate landscape context.
see attached letter