Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Local Housing Need
Representation ID: 8771
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
Given the findings of the Employment Land Review (2017), we query whether there is adequate evidence regarding employment needs to answer this question. There is scope for an uplift in the housing requirement as a result of the HS2-related growth, as well as the potential to capitalise on the clear need for wider than local employment growth identified through evidence such as the 2015 West Midlands Strategic Employment Site Study (WMSESS), which identifies the M42 corridor as the area of highest demand for strategic industrial and commercial uses (Area A). The forthcoming new WMSESS is likely to be published before the draft Plan is adopted. On top of Birmingham's unmet housing needs, the potential for higher housing numbers as a result of these points is something we consider could be an exceptional circumstance to justify an uplift beyond the standard method minimum (which we currently calculate to be 777 dwellings per annum).
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Site Selection Methodology
Representation ID: 8772
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
We broadly agree with the methodology but raise issues with the manner in which it has been applied to the site assessment process. Specifically, we object to the manner in which our site (site assessment reference 407) has been assessed as 'red'. We do not agree with the conclusion that it will have 'severe or widespread impacts that are not outweighed by the benefits of the proposal'. We disagree that no defensible Green Belt boundary can be established. The site comprises predominantly grassland pasture and surrounding vegetation. The sense of openness is, therefore, already limited to some extent. Development of the site would contribute towards increasing the built form and therefore reduce the sense of openness experienced in views across the site where available. However, that sense of openness has already been eroded by the surrounding built form. The site has clear boundaries that follow Widney Manor Road to the west, strong vegetation to the east and the built form and rear gardens of properties along Lovelace Avenue to the south. development of the site will not contribute to 'unrestricted sprawl' or 'the merging of neighbouring towns'. We do not agree that landscape presents a constraint to development as the character assessment is broad in nature and a more site-specific assessment may come to a different view. We consider the site has very high accessibility. It is within a highly sustainable location, being in very close proximity to Widney Manor Station, St. Alphege primary school and Solihull Sixth Form College. A number of secondary schools are also relatively close. There are no constraints which cannot be mitigated.
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 4 - Site 1 - Barratts Farm
Representation ID: 8774
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and a housing trajectory will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Sites that have less land assembly issues that are available for development now are much more deliverable in the early years of the Plan. This is particularly important for affordable housing, and our Client's site has the ability to deliver a 100% affordable housing scheme within the early years of the Plan period.
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 5 - Site 2 - Frog Lane
Representation ID: 8775
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and a housing trajectory will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Sites that have less land assembly issues that are available for development now are much more deliverable in the early years of the Plan. This is particularly important for affordable housing, and our Client's site has the ability to deliver a 100% affordable housing scheme within the early years of the Plan period.
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 6 - Site 3 - Windmill Lane
Representation ID: 8776
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and a housing trajectory will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Sites that have less land assembly issues that are available for development now are much more deliverable in the early years of the Plan. This is particularly important for affordable housing, and our Client's site has the ability to deliver a 100% affordable housing scheme within the early years of the Plan period.
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 7 - Site 21 - Pheasant Oak Farm
Representation ID: 8777
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and a housing trajectory will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Sites that have less land assembly issues that are available for development now are much more deliverable in the early years of the Plan. This is particularly important for affordable housing, and our Client's site has the ability to deliver a 100% affordable housing scheme within the early years of the Plan period.
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 8 - Site 22 - Travellion Stud
Representation ID: 8778
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and a housing trajectory will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Sites that have less land assembly issues that are available for development now are much more deliverable in the early years of the Plan. This is particularly important for affordable housing, and our Client's site has the ability to deliver a 100% affordable housing scheme within the early years of the Plan period.
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 9 - Site 23 - Lavender Hall Farm
Representation ID: 8779
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and a housing trajectory will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Sites that have less land assembly issues that are available for development now are much more deliverable in the early years of the Plan. This is particularly important for affordable housing, and our Client's site has the ability to deliver a 100% affordable housing scheme within the early years of the Plan period.
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 21 - Green Belt Changes
Representation ID: 8783
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
We raise no issue with the amended Green Belt boundary, but we use this to highlight the similar justification for the removal of our Client's site from the Green Belt given the adjacent ribbon development, the defensible boundaries and the poor contribution it makes to the purposes of the Green Belt. As we note elsewhere in this response, we consider exceptional circumstances exist to justify this.
Please see covering letter
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 25 - Infrastructure Requirements at Solihull/Mature Suburbs
Representation ID: 8784
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land at Widney Manor Road
Agent: Barton Willmore Planning
Site 407 is located in an area where the provision of affordable housing is identified in the Draft Plan as being challenging. Given this is one of the most sustainable locations within the Borough, the reliance on windfalls is not an acceptable approach to delivering affordable housing and deliverable sites should be identified to meet the well-publicised affordability issues. In light of this need, and the lack of suitable alternatives, there are clearly exceptional circumstances for the release of our Client's site (407)for a 100% affordable housing scheme.
Please see covering letter