Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Local Housing Need

Representation ID: 8831

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

Given the findings of the Employment Land Review (2017), we query whether there is adequate evidence regarding employment needs to answer this question. There is scope for an uplift in the housing requirement as a result of the HS2-related growth, as well as the potential to capitalise on the clear need for wider than local employment growth identified through evidence such as the 2015 West Midlands Strategic Employment Site Study (WMSESS), which identifies the M42 corridor as the area of highest demand for strategic industrial and commercial uses (Area A). The forthcoming new WMSESS is likely to be published before the draft Plan is adopted. On top of Birmingham's unmet housing needs, the potential for higher housing numbers as a result
of these points is something we consider could be an exceptional circumstance to justify an uplift beyond the
standard method minimum (which we currently calculate to be 777 dwellings per annum).

Full text:

Please see covering letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Site Selection Methodology

Representation ID: 8833

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

Site 79 (part of wider site allocation 21 - Pheasant Oak Farm). We broadly agree with the methodology but note there are issues with the manner in which it has been applied
to the site assessment process across the Borough. Whilst we support the positive assessment of this site, we
would query the Council's conclusions that the site has a 'low level of accessibility'. By the Council's own criteria on page 18 of the draft Plan, the site is accessible as it is 'on the edge of an urban area' and 'on the edge of a settlement that has a wide range of services including a primary school and a range of retail facilities'. The site is around 15 minutes' walk from Balsall Common Primary School.

Full text:

Please see covering letter


Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 4 - Site 1 - Barratts Farm

Representation ID: 8835

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and the assumed built rate will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Our Client's land is available now and can be delivered early in the Plan period.

Full text:

Please see covering letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 5 - Site 2 - Frog Lane

Representation ID: 8836

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and the assumed built rate will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Our Client's land is available now and can be delivered early in the Plan period.

Full text:

Please see covering letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 6 - Site 3 - Windmill Lane

Representation ID: 8837

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and the assumed built rate will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Our Client's land is available now and can be delivered early in the Plan period.

Full text:

Please see covering letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 7 - Site 21 - Pheasant Oak Farm

Representation ID: 8838

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

The capacity of the allocation should be increased to at least 332 dwellings to reflect its relatively unconstrained nature and the need to make efficient use of land. Yes, we agree that this is a sustainable location for new housing on the edge of an urban area which has variety of facilities and services, including a station with regular links to Birmingham. The site is also adjacent to a bus stop with a regular service to Solihull and Coventry. Within the recent GL Hearn Greater Birmingham HMA Strategic Growth Study, Balsall Common is identified as a broad location for a strategic development given it is free from nationally significant constraints. Whilst the Council are yet to respond to the strategic growth study, the findings indicate the importance of Balsall Common in helping to address both Solihull's housing needs and Birmingham's unmet need. Smaller sites could help support strategic growth options such as Barratts Farm leading to a steady supply of deliverable housing in the early years of the plan. In terms of landscape character, the Balsall Common Eastern Fringe is a different landscape character area than the rest of the area to the north (Berkswell Landscape Character Area 4 Rural Centre, Sub Area 4D). The area to the east of Balsall Common (within the Eastern Fringe) is generally flat and is heavily influenced by the adjacent settlement. Development on this site is in accordance with the spatial strategy as Balsall Common is identified as a sustainable location for new growth. There are no constraints which can't be mitigated against. The site performs poorly in terms of both the Green Belt and landscape character and a more defined urban edge is needed. Compensatory measures will be provided to offset the loss of the Green Belt. In addition, the site has the potential to provide a financial contribution (e.g. via CIL) towards the bypass. As such, increasing the capacity of the site will further enhance the viability of the road. The site is well located in terms of walking and cycling to local services and facilities in Balsall Common, including a primary school. It is also adjacent to a bus stop for regular connections to wider employment opportunities.

Full text:

Please see covering letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 8 - Site 22 - Travellion Stud

Representation ID: 8839

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and the assumed built rate will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Our Client's land is available now and can be delivered early in the Plan period.

Full text:

Please see covering letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 9 - Site 23 - Lavender Hall Farm

Representation ID: 8841

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

Whilst we agree with the spatial approach to development in Balsall Common, we would query whether there is evidence on the deliverability of some sites, for instance Barratts Farm (site 1), which has over 10 landowners within the allocation and relies on significant infrastructure for its delivery. Evidence is required to demonstrate delivery and the assumed built rate will be crucial in the Regulation 19 Plan. Our Client's land is available now and can be delivered early in the Plan period.

Full text:

Please see covering letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 30 - Site 10 - West of Meriden

Representation ID: 8843

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

Whilst we have no objection to Site 10 (west of Meriden), we understand that this site is being promoted by McCarthy and Stone, and we question whether these 100 dwellings are Class C2 and C3. If this site is intended to be delivered as C2, what contribution does this make towards meeting the Council's overall housing
requirement and what contribution, if any, will it make towards the overall affordable housing requirement?

Full text:

Please see covering letter



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 37 - Compensatory Provision for removal of land from Green Belt.

Representation ID: 8844

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Rainier Developments Ltd - Land Fronting Waste Lane

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Representation Summary:

The allocation (site allocation 21) has the potential to reinforce the urban edge as set out in the Solihull Borough Local Character Guide and to enhance Green Infrastructure and habitat corridors where possible. There are also opportunities to link into the existing public right of way to the north.

Full text:

Please see covering letter


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