Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation
Question 39 - Red Sites
Representation ID: 9210
Received: 15/03/2019
Respondent: Tanworth Educational Foundation
Agent: Hancock Town Planning
Objects to the omission of Red Site 57: land adjoining 2102 Stratford Road, Hockley Heath. Has same accessibility assessment as allocated site 25.
The site is also assessed as being within a lower performing green belt and landscape character area as site 25. The only difference between the two sites appears t be that the Borough Council has concluded 'it would be difficult to establish a new logical and defensible green belt boundary in this location'. Green belt boundaries are very defensible and site 57 is a separate visually self contained parcel of vacant land clearly differentiated from open farmland. Disagree site has high landscape sensitivity and very low capacity to accommodate change. This is based on fact site falls within large landscape character assessment area 2, inadequate for assessing 0.12 ha site fronting busy A3400. Land opposite four storey Hockley Court business space and relates to built up area of Hockley Heath. Contributes little towards purposes of the green belt. Is visually separated from wider landscape, opposite to substantial multistorey buildings, is a very small site which would not erode the gap between settlements, is not within open countryside already bounded and fenced off, Hockley Heath is not a historic town and development of this site could enhance approach to village, would have no impact on urban regeneration elsewhere
See Letter