Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

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Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 11 - Infrastructure Requirements at Blythe

Representation ID: 9610

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Worcestershire County Council

Representation Summary:

It is clear that several suggested allocations will have an impact on Worcestershire's transport network. Some of the specific current issues that need to be considered are:
Access to Strategic Network/A Class roads:
The nearest motorway junctions are M42 J3 and J4, with both having known capacity constraints
Local roads:
Local roads are currently at capacity and transport modelling is necessary to understand the capacity of the local roads to accommodate further traffic
generated from new development
Rail Infrastructure and Services:
Parking capacity at stations along the corridor is poor, as is the level of service
Should investigate replacing smaller stations on Shakespeare Line with a larger station.
Woodrush Community High School in Worcestershire has direct links with the adjacent Dickens Heath area, as Tidbury Green Primary School in Solihull is
a named school for pupil admissions. Any housing proposals for this area may impact secondary school provision in Worcestershire.
WCC's Children, Families and Communities directorate would welcome opportunity to be included in any future consultations on housing/education.

Full text:

Worcestershire County Council (WCC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the above consultation, and provides the attached officer-only comments. We are currently seeking endorsement of these comments by WCC's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Infrastructure, and will provide confirmation of this endorsement as soon as possible.



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 12 - Site 4 - Land West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 9611

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Worcestershire County Council

Representation Summary:

The Solihull Draft Local Plan sets out proposed development on the west of
Solihull covering the Dickens Heath and Shirley areas, which are referenced as
the Blythe Area and listed for future development as site 4 (West of Dickens
Heath - 350 dwellings), site 11 (The Green - 640 dwellings), site 12 (South of
Dog Kennel Lane - 1,000 dwellings) and site 26 (Whitlock's End - 300
dwellings). These sites are of particular interest to WCC's Children, Families and
Communities directorate due to the locality of the sites and the current and
potential migration of pupils between Worcestershire and Solihull.

Full text:

Worcestershire County Council (WCC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the above consultation, and provides the attached officer-only comments. We are currently seeking endorsement of these comments by WCC's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Infrastructure, and will provide confirmation of this endorsement as soon as possible.



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 13 - Site 11 -The Green

Representation ID: 9612

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Worcestershire County Council

Representation Summary:

The Solihull Draft Local Plan sets out proposed development on the west of
Solihull covering the Dickens Heath and Shirley areas, which are referenced as
the Blythe Area and listed for future development as site 4 (West of Dickens
Heath - 350 dwellings), site 11 (The Green - 640 dwellings), site 12 (South of
Dog Kennel Lane - 1,000 dwellings) and site 26 (Whitlock's End - 300
dwellings). These sites are of particular interest to WCC's Children, Families and
Communities directorate due to the locality of the sites and the current and
potential migration of pupils between Worcestershire and Solihull.

Full text:

Worcestershire County Council (WCC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the above consultation, and provides the attached officer-only comments. We are currently seeking endorsement of these comments by WCC's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Infrastructure, and will provide confirmation of this endorsement as soon as possible.



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 14 - Site 12 - Land South of Dog Kennel Lane

Representation ID: 9613

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Worcestershire County Council

Representation Summary:

The Solihull Draft Local Plan sets out proposed development on the west of
Solihull covering the Dickens Heath and Shirley areas, which are referenced as
the Blythe Area and listed for future development as site 4 (West of Dickens
Heath - 350 dwellings), site 11 (The Green - 640 dwellings), site 12 (South of
Dog Kennel Lane - 1,000 dwellings) and site 26 (Whitlock's End - 300
dwellings). These sites are of particular interest to WCC's Children, Families and
Communities directorate due to the locality of the sites and the current and
potential migration of pupils between Worcestershire and Solihull.

Full text:

Worcestershire County Council (WCC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the above consultation, and provides the attached officer-only comments. We are currently seeking endorsement of these comments by WCC's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Infrastructure, and will provide confirmation of this endorsement as soon as possible.



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 15 - Site 26 - Whitlocks End Farm

Representation ID: 9614

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Worcestershire County Council

Representation Summary:

The Solihull Draft Local Plan sets out proposed development on the west of
Solihull covering the Dickens Heath and Shirley areas, which are referenced as
the Blythe Area and listed for future development as site 4 (West of Dickens
Heath - 350 dwellings), site 11 (The Green - 640 dwellings), site 12 (South of
Dog Kennel Lane - 1,000 dwellings) and site 26 (Whitlock's End - 300
dwellings). These sites are of particular interest to WCC's Children, Families and
Communities directorate due to the locality of the sites and the current and
potential migration of pupils between Worcestershire and Solihull.

Full text:

Worcestershire County Council (WCC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the above consultation, and provides the attached officer-only comments. We are currently seeking endorsement of these comments by WCC's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Infrastructure, and will provide confirmation of this endorsement as soon as possible.



Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Question 44 Are there any other comments

Representation ID: 10531

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Worcestershire County Council

Representation Summary:

Worcestershire County Council (WCC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on
the above consultation.
As the Local Plan is developed we look forward to ongoing engagement with
Solihull as a neighbouring authority on cross-border matters, including transport
and education infrastructure. We anticipate that this work will culminate in
inclusion of cross-boundary infrastructure in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan for
Solihull, supported by a Statement of Common Ground and Duty to Co-operate
agreement between the two authorities.

Full text:

Worcestershire County Council (WCC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the above consultation, and provides the attached officer-only comments. We are currently seeking endorsement of these comments by WCC's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Infrastructure, and will provide confirmation of this endorsement as soon as possible.


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