
Draft Local Plan - Supplementary Consultation

Representation ID: 10052

Received: 15/03/2019

Respondent: Mr T Khan

Agent: DS Planning

Representation Summary:

No objection in principle. Site 16 has been modified following the SDLP 2016
consultation to include land north of Lugtrout Lane up to the Grand Union
Canal. However, this revised site boundary north of Lugtrout Lane needs to
be clarified within the Masterplans document and the site assessment
document such that both Site Ref 143 and 339 are confirmed within the
allocation site and shown as green within the document (site Ref 143 appears
as amber).

Full text:

This is the response of Mr Taj Khan, Sid Kelly and John Green to the supplementary
consultation by Solihull Council on the Solihull Draft Local Plan January 2019. The
purpose of the response is to comment on the draft Plan and promote the site at 15,
59, & 61 Jacobean Lane Knowle for inclusion as a housing allocation within the Plan
and land north of Jacobean Lane being removed from the Green Belt and to support
the removal of land from the Green Belt to rectify anomalies and for consistency.
See detail response in attached letter and appendices