
Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Representation ID: 15034

Received: 14/12/2020

Respondent: Barratt David Wilson - Arden Green

Agent: Barton Willmore Planning

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

- Object to inflexible market housing mix prescribed within this policy.
- Individual sites should cater for a wide range of housing types and sizes.
- Provision of such a significant proportion of only smaller (3 bed or fewer) dwellings on sites will not develop long-term sustainable communities, rather transient communities where people will not be able to form long-term neighbourhoods as homes cannot be adapted as their circumstances change.
- Council should focus on building strong healthy communities, not for short-term ownership.
- Do not consider this is good planning
- Prescribed housing mix runs counter to criterion also in policy that allows a number of factors to be taken into consideration.
- Plan has long-term lifespan, therefore should not have same market mix for whole plan period.
- Pandemic has shown how external factors can influence people’s lifestyle choices.

Change suggested by respondent:

Amendment of policy to allow for housing mix based on up to date market evidence

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