
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2116

Received: 06/02/2017

Respondent: Pat Milnes

Representation Summary:

Supports proposal at Oakes Farm as it is slightly on the fringes and does not impose on any existing green and leisure areas within Balsall Common, which other proposals do.

Full text:

My view on the Proposed sites for Balsall Common is that ..... : I lived in Balsall Common up until 5 months ago (48 years) and am currently Chairman of Berkswell Cricket Club who thrive in the Centre of the village.
Its great the see the demographic growing in Balsall Common as from a purely selfish point of view it will help increase our membership. The Oakes Farm development stands out from other proposed developments in the village as it is slightly on the fringes and does not impose on any existing 'green' and leisure areas within Balsall Common which, to be frank, other proposals do. Balsall Common has never been abundant with affordable housing and to see 50% of the proposal catering for this is really pleasing. I lived opposite Oakes Farm for 10 years and can safely say that the proposed area for development can only compliment what is there already. Out of all the proposals in Balsall Common, it is the stand out and obvious choice.