
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4225

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mr John Field

Representation Summary:

Detailed comments relating to Village Farm, Berkswell, which is not proposed for development in the draft local plan.

Full text:

Dear Councillors,

With respect to the Berkswell Village Farm proposals I trust you've considered;
Ancient hedge rows, is this an issue the CPRE should be consulted on ?
The three mature trees. Do I recall this area has lost a number of big trees in the last decades or so ?
The field is particularly import to birds, more so than the adjacent fields which are dryer.
It is wetter than the surrounding fields and appears to host a rich abundance of micro fauna.
This particularly noticeable in the winter. Blackbirds and Thrushes.
Whilst on the subject of fauna, the old "Great Crested Newt issue" would be a cliché but, are they there or not ?

Would you be content to just redevelop the farmhouse buildings and build the small row of affordable houses.
Why not plant it out with trees, those few around the west end of the field are already very mature and won't last forever.
Create a glade, a copse with a path through it. Dedicate it as a public space. A graded footpath path would connect the new residents with the village from the west side rather than having to navigate the crossroads where there's no footpath on the west side.